What´s the deal with animals in the cab?

Was thinking of getting me a small rescue dog. Any rules to say it can´t come to work with me?
Can I adopt Dozy? :open_mouth:

Best asking your employer surely?

Fair point.
No laws though?

Rule 57 in the Highway Code?

gov.uk/guidance/the-highway … s-47-to-58

get him into the drivers seat and say your double manning for willi betz.
if they ask you anything about the smell,you can tell them that sofar,it dont seem to bother him.
depending on where your running,then its either a ■■■■ salute,or a tang wave :smiley:
a goldfish in a bowl makes a good multi purpose in cab pet.
you can keep your teeth in the bowl at night,wash your dishes,emergency cuppa,and if you have an unexpected night out and know how to wire up your new inverter to the ciggy lighter,then its truckie sushi.
all in all a great in cab companion,though watch it dont fall off the dash on the bends :slight_smile:

tang dog wave.jpg

Heheh, ok gotcha.
Thank you both, for two sides of an answer :slight_smile: