What micro wave do you use

We have just bought a Samsung J7GT 800 W :open_mouth: what a beast

Ceramic coating, scratch resistant AND 85% recyclable packaging :open_mouth: :laughing: :wink:

Couldn’t go wrong - price match as well…£49.99 :sunglasses:

I know it’s a touchy subject but if this doesn’t reach 4 pages I’ll cook my mates bollickles in it :laughing:

The Wifes ha ha ha :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I use deawoo QT its got a normal size turntable but the cabinet is smaller than the norm

We have just bought a Samsung J7GT 800 W :open_mouth: what a beast

Ceramic coating, scratch resistant AND 85% recyclable packaging :open_mouth: :laughing: :wink:

Couldn’t go wrong - price match as well…£49.99 :sunglasses:

I know it’s a touchy subject but if this doesn’t reach 4 pages I’ll cook my mates bollickles in it :laughing:

Must be a one of .That one dose not exist so Google says :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Must be a one of .That one dose not exist so Google says :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

It bloody does exist :imp: might have model number wrong but I’m not a diesel/petrol/microwave head :laughing: Defo samsung, with ceramic insides…latest one. John lewis do it at £65■■?

Will post pics when I get the chance, you will be amazed :wink: All black paintwork and silver handle for door, blue led for display :stuck_out_tongue: it really is a good one. Only tried it once but wife is working tomorrow so I get to play with it then :laughing:

24V? I always thought truck microwaves were expensive.

24V? I always thought truck microwaves were expensive.

Sorry Bob you must have misunderstood my original post :blush: This is a microwave for my second home. Wife calls it a house but to me it’s just a bill :laughing: it plugs into a gadget called a ‘main socket’ and just works instant :open_mouth: scares me a bit because I like my gadgets to warm up for an hour before they work :wink:

She has other crazy things as well like a ‘double bed’ :open_mouth: why does she need a double? she’s not that big■■?

She also has a 2 & 3 seater settee wtf she’s definitely not that big :unamused: why does she need these things?? Don’t get me started on the television :open_mouth: she can see perfectly well - why the chuff she needs one that big is beyond me :unamused:

I’m still looking forward to playing with the microwave though - it says it reheats in 1min 30 seconds…mine takes 20 minutes so we’ll see eh :laughing: :wink:

Ive just bought this one:

Mmm not a very good interior light though is it?


I have all that stuff in my camper van. LWB Hi roof Crafter. Fridge freezer, oven, hob, sink, shower, double bed and large settee.

:laughing: :laughing: Why has this thread only got to 9 posts and the other pointless thread got to 3 pages before it was moved■■? Oh yes, mods on break :unamused: or another reason :laughing: :wink: :wink:

mines Indian when dinners cooked it goes

Pa Ting

taxi :grimacing:

:lol: :laughing: Why has this thread only got to 9 posts and the other pointless thread got to 3 pages before it was moved■■? Oh yes, mods on break :unamused: or another reason :laughing: :wink: :wink:

It’s got 10 now and I haven’t even got a microwave!