What managers tm's and operators would i need

hypothetically lets pretend that i own two depots each with 50 units and trailers. how many tm’s operators etc would i need to operate legally would i be able to get one o license to cover both depots and all the trucks or would i need one for each depot

Are they both in the same Traffic Area Office region? If so, one O-licence with two operating centres. Two different TAOs, two different O-licences, two different applications, two separate sets of fees/adverts

At 50 units that is a full time job for a TM: two different TAOs, need two eternal TMs working full time; or one Internal TM. Both OCs in same TAO you’d need an Internal TM, no scope for ETMs

@zac_a i have dm’ed you i apologize it looks like it has been sent in several messages

No reason why single TM (internal obviously) with appropriate support can’t manage that set of permutations
Gets a bit more messy and expensive if they used ETMs, but still doable.