What I've been doing last month or so

So, what I’ve been doing during last month is:

Spotting loggers…

Spotting urban trains…

Evading mobile cranes driving fast walking pace…

Watching scenery while driving behind farmers…

Watching scenery while driving on empty roads…

Spotting oldies…

Spotting Nordic Trophy -truck fest 2006 winner… (although not with it’s own trailer)

Queuing at the container depot at the Port of the Rauma…

Apart from those, what I really was supposed to do and what I was paid for, was driving this:

Here I’m waiting for mobile crane to appear so the container can be lifted of. Unloading place is about 100 metres behind my back and the only way to turn lorry around is this “junction”. Luckily container was empty…

Ready to lift container off.

Another unusual way to lift container off. Picture doesn’t do justice to the size of the digger which was much huger when looked close :laughing:

Although I officially was container driver there was odd job involving transportation of electric motors on a flat and that meant sheeting the load. Please don’t be too harsh as this was first time I have used sheets :blush: :smiley:

Loading large crates to the container. That didn’t went quite like planned, as the side of the container was bit dented so crates couldn’t be pushed from the rear with forklift like they had previously done. They then ended up unloading some crates with pallet truck and loading the container with it. It needed three guys weight to even get the pallet trucks steering wheels into a contact with container floor. :smiley:

Loading some wall elements.

Loading recycled paper and finding out after scaling that there was 80 kg overweight on the tractor unit although being 640 kg under maximum GVW (load was 23720 kg). I was actually quite surprised how well the load weight was distributed.

Here I’m loading on a one of the few places in Finland where loading times are strict and you have only +/- 5 minutes margin. This place also has very strict H&S regulations. I think that is quite more familiar over there :slight_smile:

Then I’ve been wondering why in so many places loading bays are build for RHD vehicles although they practically don’t exist in Finland. This place wasn’t that bad as it was flat and had a line painted onto asphalt on a drivers side, but the next place is much more nasty:

Not much of a space at the front, yard has camber and bays are close to each other. This can be tricky even during the summer when you are trying to put 25 metres long drawbar vehicle into the bay next to a artic and I wouldn’t like to get much of a wheel spin here at winter.

Another place which definitely is interesting during the winter, although I suppose there is box of grit somewhere near :sunglasses:

Nothing interesting in this place, but container was loaded with 637 cartons weighing about 18 tonnes and it took 6 hours from three man without breaks to unload it. Half of the load was unloaded inside and these longer cartons were unloaded middle of the yard.

I also drove this, but didn’t get paid for it. These were here for four days to attract possible customers (and drivers) and I went for a test drive while waiting for work. It was quite nice first experience in Stralis, but I suppose 560 horses for 60 tonnes should give quite decent ride despite the make. Load was said to be few hundred kilos over 39 tonnes (and it was also said to be legal load :laughing:).

Last container for now as from the Monday I’ll be driving a-frame drawbar outfit on a different company.