What is "trunking, tramping "...etc

:confused: sorry for my ignorance but what is " trunking, tramping " and any other types of driving i need to know about?

thereā€™s a sticky at the top of this forum :wink:

Truckers Ackronyms & Synonyms

Looking at that list trunking is described as ā€œTrunker - A vehicle or driver who runs the same route every shift. Often at night.ā€, Iā€™ve always considered trunking to be moving trailers or containers from A to B without loading or unloading them regardless of weather or not the same run is done daily, a little misleading I would have thought.

Looking at that list trunking is described as ā€œTrunker - A vehicle or driver who runs the same route every shift. Often at night.ā€, Iā€™ve always considered trunking to be moving trailers or containers from A to B without loading or unloading them regardless of weather or not the same run is done daily, a little misleading I would have thought.

I think the quotation you posted from the list is spot on and as accurate as you could get.
Not in the least bit misleading, Iā€™m afraid it is you have the wrong end of the stick, Tachograph. :laughing:

And, BTW, real Tramping in the original meaning does not, I think, exist anymore. The days of a driver starting off from base then tipping and loading himself all week without reference to the office are surely long gone. Often they were paid partly by percentage of the loads carried and so built up a knowledge of the best paying cargo and destinations.
Also called ā€˜Roamersā€™ I believe that some BRS drivers would bounce from depot to depot for work, though they didnā€™t have the freedom of the genuine Trampers. :wink:
Nowadays, I suspect it merely refers to drivers who may be away all week. :slight_smile: