What is this?

Just a little game? Pictures of strange items. Then you guess what they are!

Looks like one of them bars used to lever paper reels up a trl before scotching them

Looks like one of them bars used to lever paper reels up a trl before scotching them

Or for releasing the scotch without getting lost or killed :wink:

That will do, probably too easy, now where is that box of Sentinel spares?

It is used for moving railway wagons short distances :open_mouth: (you use a locomotive for long distances) :blush: You place it on the rail and lever the wheel.

Not disputing your answer Chas, because I have never moved a railway truck.

This simple lever is used in a printers or paper mill for chocking and unchocking paper reels.

The previous answer to yours was correct, but allow me to indulge myself :wink:

Levers & Fulcrums
Archimedes once famously remarked: “Πα βω και χαριστιωνι ταν γαν κινησω πασαν.”
(“Give me a place to stand and with a lever I will move the whole world.”)

However in this case, the picture was taken in France and I can hold a stack of reels with one hand while I take a chock out, by standing at the side I can then move aside allowing a stack of reels to roll towards a lift truck or loading platform