What is it with Belgium's roads

I spend a lot of time racing around europe in my Sprinter doing urgent and not so urgennt deliveries and have got to say that out of all the countries I drive in the Belgium motorway network is by far the worse, mainly for potholes and poor quality road surfaces.

The R1 round antwerp is a right bone shacker and some of the holes in the roads near Mons are diabolocal.

I bet there are third world countries with better road networks then Belgiums.

yes, 8 euros a day roadtax and they don’t spend it on the roads.
they even give you advance warning of how bad the right hand lane is instead of doing something about it :imp:

You obviously never had the pleasure of the yellow brick road then :stuck_out_tongue:

Wheel Nut:
You obviously never had the pleasure of the yellow brick road then :stuck_out_tongue:

the worst one in Belgium used to be between Antwerp and Liege commonly known as pregnancy termination highway


Wheel Nut:
You obviously never had the pleasure of the yellow brick road then :stuck_out_tongue:

the worst one in Belgium used to be between Antwerp and Liege commonly known as pregnancy termination highway

That’s the one :laughing:

some of the ruts had to be a foot deep, I hated it in the road train as the wheels were narrower on the trailer so it kept jumping out of the ruts then dropping back in, it was a constant fight

yes the evil yellow brick road, horribly
by the way ,I think some one will post here soon
about the roads in WESTERN GERMANY soon as they are
diabolical, as for all parts east they have been total
rebuilt since honecker left,

brit pete:
yes the evil yellow brick road, horribly
by the way ,I think some one will post here soon
about the roads in WESTERN GERMANY soon as they are
diabolical, as for all parts east they have been total
rebuilt since honecker left,

i remember the road from antwerp to liege i just never knew it had a nickname :laughing:

pete the roads in west germany are bad because they are still paying to incorporate the eastern half but i’m sure some of the roadworks on the A4 and the A1 have been there since i lived in the UK over 6 years ago, they seem to never get finished :imp:

the motorways in spain have all been resurfaced with EU funding over the last couple of years but all they’ve done is tarmac over the old road without digging it up and sorting out the foundations so now as you drive along it looks nice but you get seasick with all the humps and bumps and with the torrential rain we’ve had some bits are now subsiding, spanish roadbuilding :unamused: :unamused:

this is straying a bit but over here a new bit of the A1
will be getting redone and it is less than 3 months old
it has been proven by the road engineers from the county
that the builders have done it all wrong and its coming apart
so there will be even more delays now to come, this is up
around Bremen area by the way,

Well there you go, people are too quick to moan about our roads here in the uk.
I have found in about 40 years of driving and being driven the best roads in Europe are by far the roads here in good old UK!!!

Well there you go, people are too quick to moan about our roads here in the uk.
I have found in about 40 years of driving and being driven the best roads in Europe are by far the roads here in good old UK!!!

i would agree that the UK’s roads are probably the best in condition but i think the best network has to be in France, smooth, empty and connect where you want to go. if enough people in france use a shortcut along come the roadbuilders and improve the route
for example the N10 from poitiers to bordeaux is nearly all dualled now and the RCEA from limoges to chalon sur saone nearly all dualled


Well there you go, people are too quick to moan about our roads here in the uk.
I have found in about 40 years of driving and being driven the best roads in Europe are by far the roads here in good old UK!!!

i would agree that the UK’s roads are probably the best in condition but i think the best network has to be in France, smooth, empty and connect where you want to go. if enough people in france use a shortcut along come the roadbuilders and improve the route
for example the N10 from poitiers to bordeaux is nearly all dualled now and the RCEA from limoges to chalon sur saone nearly all dualled

republik or republic :laughing:

the RCEA from limoges to chalon sur saone nearly all dualled

Yeah, no fun anymore :laughing:

You’d invariably have a cheese eating surrender monkey up your chuff trying to hurry you along, while a never ending stream of charioteers from the Iberian peninsula would be barreling along in the opposite direction.

Used to make life very interesting on the narrow blind bends in a few of the villages en route :laughing: :laughing:

I spend a lot of time racing around europe in my Sprinter doing urgent and not so urgennt deliveries and have got to say that out of all the countries I drive in the Belgium motorway network is by far the worse, mainly for potholes and poor quality road surfaces.

The R1 round antwerp is a right bone shacker and some of the holes in the roads near Mons are diabolocal.

I bet there are third world countries with better road networks then Belgiums.

And these days they are about 100% better than they used to be, you used to be able to stick it in the ruts, take your hands of the wheel and make a sandwich or a coffee as you followed the line of the road as surely as if you were on tracks. :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

The bit they recently did south of Antwerp makes me laugh. They had signs proclaiming “Give us 20 weeks and we will give you 20 years” and there are already potholes and ruts appearing. 20 Year? Not even 20 months. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

I think most of the bad bits are in Wallonie.
The E313 viaduct at Bassenge,just past Tongeren going towards Liege,is a prime example.They started ripping the Liege bound carriageway up about four years ago,then they must of ran out of money because it’s been left like that now for nearly three years.

The E42 near St.Ghislaine has had the right lane coned off since the end of last year due to the road breaking up,and again,they’ve just left it as it is.Now the centre lane is full of holes.Further along that stretch you have to weave left and right to avoid the huge holes that have appeared.

Drive almost anywhere in Wallonie through small towns and villages and it’s the same story,and not just the roads,some of the villages remind me of Romania during the communist era.

I for one am all for handing Wallonie over to France,they are a huge drain on government money and resources,and of course,they only speak French!

I expect they are all too busy eating chocolate and kiddie-diddling to have time to mend the roads :wink:

Well there you go, people are too quick to moan about our roads here in the uk.
I have found in about 40 years of driving and being driven the best roads in Europe are by far the roads here in good old UK!!!

Because you don’t had too sever winters recently. But after the last one it’s a disaster. You should come to Glasgow today and drive arround my place… But don’t drive a mini, as you can loose it in one of the potholes arround :slight_smile: