What i saw this morning

i am off work ta the moment wit hshoulder problems but ahev been toldi can return to work on monday.
i had been in to bamber brigde to pick somethings up when on my return at the light on to the a6 truning left to the m6 i see on the other side a vosa leading a truck that had loaded out ofthe daf factoryjust up the road.look like he had gone trough leyland to try and miss the vosa check piont at the end of the m65 m6 area.so it looks like if u know they are open and eve try and aviod them a littel but they will get u.
i think he was a polish not hundred percent shore.though

ahh well thank god im back at work on monday after 3 weeks off this day time tv is killing me and ther is only so much u can do on the pc.but the only thing is that im goign to be back at work till november then i have to go in for a full rebuild on ths shoulder. and that will put me out of work for 3 to months.nw that is going to be a killer for me

I hope you get back to work soon its not fair that we’re getting all the fun lol.

Just a thought you could work on your grammar and spelling while watching jeremy kyle. :smiley:

oh i can truely agree with you about being off work.i was addmitted for emergency surgery on stomach 2 weeks ago.got some bowel removed :open_mouth: i’ve been told i have to have 2 months off and i’m going mad already.i’m only home from hospital a week.cann’t wait to get back to my XF,i just hope some muppet hasn’t wrecked it by the time i get back.
good luck with the shoulder lad.all the best

i am off work ta the moment wit hshoulder problems but ahev been toldi can return to work on monday.
i had been in to bamber brigde to pick somethings up when on my return at the light on to the a6 truning left to the m6 i see on the other side a vosa leading a truck that had loaded out ofthe daf factoryjust up the road.look like he had gone trough leyland to try and miss the vosa check piont at the end of the m65 m6 area.so it looks like if u know they are open and eve try and aviod them a littel but they will get u.
i think he was a polish not hundred percent shore.though

Thanks for the Info, I’ll creep out of Walton summit quietly… :wink:

why didnt the muppet just go through leyland down to standish and jump on the M6 there?

(I grew up in leyland).

loads of wide back lanes to avoid them on!