Anyone see what happened at the first roundabout on the A38S last night around 8pm? Just the other side of the roundabout there was a Combo van half way up the embankment with a completely stoved in front end and the driver of said van was dragging a full size street light across both lanes just after the pedestrian lights.
200 yards further down the road there was an artic stopped in the middle of lane 1 but looked undamaged.
Very strange.
Yeah, Stobarts did it!
Yeah, Stobarts did it!
+1 If it involved Fiona, bet there was a right creamy mess!
I blame sheep!!!
Yeah, Stobarts did it!+1 If it involved Fiona, bet there was a right creamy mess!
new young driver on agency !!! under cut old timer on the rates then trashed the van round a lamp post.
Probably wasn’t upto date with his DCPC either; hasn’t done the “Correct Way to Wrap It Round a Lampost” Module yet
Maybe it was Paul H Im lucky to be alive
Maybe it was Paul H Im lucky to be alive