What else, other than F1, would be classed as different?

I see that F1 raised it’s head after being dormant for a while and it got me thinking, what else is out there and does any one have experience of them.

Examples I have seen on the roads are; outside broadcast unit, mobile staging, Roadies!!, racing (bike/car/truck), Very plush and large mobile homes behind tractor units and of course the Heavies.

Anyone care to enlighten us mere mortals?

Those mobile medical units. I applied for a job pulling those once but never got it.

I’m a golf nut and have been playing 35 yrs now and have always fancied driving some of the kit around that supports the PGA European Tour.

Except the guys who are referred to as truckies in F1, seldom if ever drive the truck anymore.

Permatans David Dickenson and his lorry with the Real Deal on the side.He is from Armenian descent and born David Gullesserian.See the tour truck around Bristol with a white MAN cab.
The outside broadcast fleet for The X Factor and Britains got talent.
Theatre tours in the UK/Europe for Paul Matthew.
Alleyns heavy haulage that haul trains.
Able heavy and very long haulage with a tractor unit attached to the rear of the trailer.
Richard Long BV Breda Holland.All over Europe.
Bullion transport.Police ■■■■■■ and maybe a helicopter for support.

I’ve been working as a motorsport truckie on and off for over 10 years, I’ve worked at most levels of car racing from club racing at some small circuit on a cold wet winters day to being on F1 support event in some far flung part of the World.

As for people doing General Haulage being mere mortals, I know some motorsport types think that, but they’re the people who’ve never done proper haulage and it quite often shows when they are trying to get a truck in or out of a tight spot. :laughing:

I don’t have that sort of superiority complex, as far as I’m concerned I’m just doing a job, it’s not glamorous and I’m no elite driver.

The job really isn’t any different at what ever level, it’s just the more prestigious the series the more kit you have to look after and assemble and dismantle at each event the more ■■■■■■■■ and hopefully the more money you get and the more interesting places you get to see. :smiley:

A lot of times you can be hot, sweaty, dirty and tired or cold, wet, dirty and tired, that’s why I like the truck driving side of the job, clean clothes, proper sleep, controlled climate, working at your own pace.

What about the TA or even Regulars? A mate if mine got his licences through the Army and is still doing it. You can do your ADR with them, tank transporters, “drops”, tank recovery etc etc. Also driving protected vehicles in the 'Stan. A lot of variety, a bit of risk too obviously though.

A interesting selection of vehicles:

thinkdefence.co.uk/2011/07/t … -solution/

Used to be on the PGA golf tour a few years ago, caddied for 5 years. When a job came up driving the titleist truck I applied for it, got down to the last 2 but missed out, still bugs me now. My mate drove the Cleveland clubs truck until last year. If you want in these days most of the companies that have trucks, mizuno, taylor made etc all use an agency down south I have been told.

I’d like to either so OB or heavy haulage but something like boat transport would be investing I reckon

What do Fly By Nite drivers do once the event is set up?

What do Fly By Nite drivers do once the event is set up?

Work on their Johnny Depp look.

Flyby nite tour drivers park up, and if they wish can work on the event. i.e spotlighting etc for extra cash. If not they sleep and wait till the event/gig has finished then get to where they need to be and load in.

I know of a local BS Merchant who claims to drive for Fly ByNite and says he can go around Europe in a week of his holidays before coming back to work etc. Delights in telling us how he helps with sound and lighting and gets paid to go on the ■■■■.
I don’t doubt FBN do this, but unless FBN put out on their application form “must be a fat smelly ■■■■■■

by oatcake1967 » Sun Nov 10, 2013 7:34 pm

Muckaway wrote:
What do Fly By Nite drivers do once the event is set up?

Work on their Johnny Depp look.

PMSL !! I need more practice :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

The answer to the above question is that we don’t wait till it’s set up , we find catering , then sleep .

driving a hearse :frowning:

Go completely mental, drive a bus :open_mouth:

Go completely mental, drive a bus :open_mouth:

■■■■ that! :open_mouth:

:unamused: :unamused: :unamused: Wimp :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Used to be on the PGA golf tour a few years ago, caddied for 5 years. When a job came up driving the titleist truck I applied for it, got down to the last 2 but missed out, still bugs me now. My mate drove the Cleveland clubs truck until last year. If you want in these days most of the companies that have trucks, mizuno, taylor made etc all use an agency down south I have been told.

Shame you didn’t get that job that would have been a lovely little number and just the ticket for me.

Who’s bag did you have ?

Rhythm Thief:

Go completely mental, drive a bus :open_mouth:

[zb] that! :open_mouth:
