What does this sign mean?

Keep noticing these think its summat to do with distance. Anyone shed any light on it?

no idea what the sign means, but I did see you in your new truck on Tuesday on the A34 near Oxford…

means what road your on i dunno what the B means and the 138.5 means the distance your at… I think its to do with if you break down but not entirely sure.

no idea what the sign means, but I did see you in your new truck on Tuesday on the A34 near Oxford…

Yep that sounds like me what was you in?

It says that you are on the M4 at Mile marker 138.5, so if you break down or thes a crash you can inform the services of your location.

Answer here

We do seem to be copying some of the good ideas from Europe.
Anyone who has been to Spain will have seen something like this which is better than a postcode, you dont really need a map and the business will give

the kilometrepost number and route number, eg. N-220 km 41 as an address.

This should help a lot of people, especially a friend of mine who works for Warwickshire Police in the motorway control centre. She told me that she gets calls like this;

Hello. Police. How can I help?

There is a cow on the motorway.

OK, can you tell me where you are?

Yes Im on the motorway too.

Do you know the number of the motorway?

I thought that was your job.

Yes but I need to know where you are, which direction are you heading?

Im going home, to London.

So are you on the M40 or the M6?

Im not sure.

Well can you see a sign?

Do you know where the motorway crosses a railway line.?

Thank you Sir, we will get someone to take a look :stuck_out_tongue:

All joking aside they are a ■■■■ good idea.

Snab’s link gives all the info :smiley:

they’re only there because most people are too stupid to notice the small marker posts that have been there since the motorways are built :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

the only extra bit of info is the letter ( usually A or B ) put on because people ringing for help don’t often know if they are heading North or South/ East or West

Private Eye has a feature on the problem - Dumb Britain

Denis F:
they’re only there because most people are too stupid to notice the small marker posts that have been there since the motorways are built :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

the only extra bit of info is the letter ( usually A or B ) put on because people ringing for help don’t often know if they are heading North or South/ East or West

Private Eye has a feature on the problem - Dumb Britain

‘The mileage (in kilometres)’

Denis F:
they’re only there because most people are too stupid to notice the small marker posts that have been there since the motorways are built :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

…or they’re still moving. It’s a bit difficult to read the small marker posts from a moving vehicle, particularly if you’re driving.

The signs are all over the motorways in Europe; the ones on the M5 in Hungary are huge orange things in the central reservation. They’re very useful for us trying to work out how far we are behind the convoy leader when we get spread out.

As per usual.If there is a stupid regulation,Britain is the first to adopt it.
If it’s half sensible,Britain’s the last.
May your god(s) help you all.

…or they’re still moving. It’s a bit difficult to read the small marker posts from a moving vehicle, particularly if you’re driving.

I’ve got it off to a fine art now, I can read them driving past at 70mph, it’s took me nearly 2 years without getting a headache :open_mouth:

Highway Agency:
The new signs are designed to be very prominent and legible by passing vehicles - the Highways Agency suggests that a passenger could call if there is anything to report while the vehicle is moving. They also leave no question about what road the driver is on or which carriageway - both of which have been problematic questions before.

But Motorways and Major A Roads have always had the white plastic signs at the side of the Road, surely advertising what they are there for is a ■■■■ sight cheaper than new metal signs ■■?