Keep getting a link in request,what does it mean,anyone else in a similar switch?
linked-in , website for 'proffesionals, join it at you peril, you’ll get loads of e-mails from umpteen people asking to ‘connect’ with you. I usually have connection requests from transport managers looking for loads, agency managers looking to offload drivers, all sorts. can be useful to keep up with what you’re old colleagues are doing now.
linked-in , website for 'proffesionals, join it at you peril, you’ll get loads of e-mails from umpteen people asking to ‘connect’ with you. I usually have connection requests from transport managers looking for loads, agency managers looking to offload drivers, all sorts. can be useful to keep up with what you’re old colleagues are doing now.
Thank dude,no big deal I guess
If you are getting LinkedIn requests it means your email has been used to sign up with them at some time. If you have definitely never had anything to do with them then I would recommend contacting them & having your details removed - they don’t have a great record as far as losing data is concerned. Close your LinkedIn account | LinkedIn Help. See if your email address is recognised & if it is, get a password reset link sent and then log in and close the account.
If you are getting LinkedIn requests it means your email has been used to sign up with them at some time. If you have definitely never had anything to do with them then I would recommend contacting them & having your details removed - they don’t have a great record as far as losing data is concerned. Close your LinkedIn account | LinkedIn Help. See if your email address is recognised & if it is, get a password reset link sent and then log in and close the account.
They would also have it if someone you know has joined. If they have your email, phone number etc then they’ve been given it, it’s not as though it’s been stolen or bought. They ask to access a person’s contacts to see who they can get to join, they’ve been given permission. I just joined at the request of someone i know, that’s how i know.
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