What do you want in a Truckstop???

Just a follow on from ‘Your fav truckstop’…What would you as proffesional drivers consider to be the most important things in a Truckstop/MSA.
Things like food, showers, or even a Gym!!! ease of parking might come high who knows, it’s over to you.

You’ve mentioned the basics I would look for, but It’s how well the’re run and maintained that I judge them on. Good security, home cooking and an eye for cleanliness (showers and toilets etc) is a good start. Obviously the cost is a factor too.

legalised prostitution
(for the single people out there of course :wink: )

1 Safe secure location, easy access.
2 Realistic charge, according to facilities, not what everyone else is charging!
3 Clean showers, toilets, preferbly cleaned after each use.
4 Good menu choice, and value too, dont mind waiting that bit longer, for good grub.
5 A shop, to stock up on essentials, and a truckshop is good.
6 A bar is good, tho not essential. :open_mouth:

A sniper or two on the roof with the sole purpose of eliminating those who are to lazy/stupid/ignorant to walk a short distance to the toilet and instead ■■■■ wherever they stop. Time to start wasting these people. :smiling_imp: :imp: :smiling_imp: :wink: :smiley:

A sniper or to on the roof with the sole purpose of eliminating those who are to lazy/stupid/ignorant to walk a short distance to the toilet and instead ■■■■ wherever they stop. Time to start wasting these people. :smiling_imp: :imp: :smiling_imp: :wink: :smiley:

I know why you are not sniping yourself - you’ve ran out of bulletts shooting at me :unamused: :unamused: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

A sniper or to on the roof with the sole purpose of eliminating those who are to lazy/stupid/ignorant to walk a short distance to the toilet and instead ■■■■ wherever they stop. Time to start wasting these people. :smiling_imp: :imp: :smiling_imp: :wink: :smiley:

legalised prostitution
(for the single people out there of course :wink: )

PMSL :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

A gym would be a good idea never thought about that before.

In a Utopian world, I’d like to see quite separate, but truly workable areas for change overs and reefers.

Oh - and the ability for ALL vehicles/trailers to keep their air overnight - or for everyone to start and finish their day’s work within half an hour of each other.

FREE PARKING, after all I’m going to spend enough in the resturaunt.
Marked parking bays with enough room to open your door.
No McDonalds within 5 miles.
Wireless internet access so I would look like a computer geek all weekend.
Solid ground.
Decent, clean showers.
Good choice of reasonably priced food.
Regular security patrols & restricted access/exit.
A blacklist of animals who use the place as a toilet/rubbish bin.
Very attractive young ladies with short skirts & low cut tops as waitresses.

Apart from the clean facilities (we shouldn’t REALLY have to ask for that should we!)

Freshly cooked food with a decent range of items
and I reckon a Gym would be a good idea too, I’d be happy to pay £2 or so on the door to go in and at least kid myself I’m trying to do something good for meself!

Lets be honest, if you’re parked up for the night, you’re likely to have half an hour free time, imagine what what the image of the sterotypical truck driver would look like if we all spent half an hour a day in the gym! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Realistic parking fee with security who actually do their job ,good food dont mind paying more if its good and fresh.Clean showers that actually work correctly and cleaned regular not daily or weekly.A decent car park that doesnt smell like a market after auction day dont think any of this is impossible or too much to expect!

A gym would be a good idea never thought about that before.

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: after a long shift the last thing I want is exercise, a shower, food and sleep is what I want :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: but everyone to their own :confused: and no, I’m not a fat truck driver (9 stone) and eat like a horse :wink:

Straight forward parking, i.e. no faffing about when all you want to do is go to bed! and nice clean facilities without costing the earth.

But we may need more truckstops to begin with first :laughing: :smiley:

Lets be honest, if you’re parked up for the night, you’re likely to have half an hour free time, imagine what what the image of the sterotypical truck driver would look like if we all spent half an hour a day in the gym! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

All i need in a truckstop is space to park. Preferably in/near a town/city centre where all the facilities i need are already there, like a sports centre for a shower, any food whether it be a kebab house, chippy or a wetherspoons, and maybe a pub for a quick pint and so i can have a chat to someone. There are places like this about already, and potential for a lot more.

Very attractive young ladies with short skirts & low cut tops as waitresses.

Would have thought that might have been number 1 on every male drivers list. (And female in some cases.)



Very attractive young ladies with short skirts & low cut tops as waitresses.

Would have thought that might have been number 1 on every male drivers list. (And female in some cases.)


I always save the best until last :exclamation:

Free parking!!

Not for me but for all those cheapskate day-drivers who’d rather sleep in a roadside lay-by and therefore depriving me, a night-trunker, of somewhere to take a 45.

Andrew Leitch:
Free parking!!

Not for me but for all those cheapskate day-drivers who’d rather sleep in a roadside lay-by and therefore depriving me, a night-trunker, of somewhere to take a 45.

read and digest Andrew Leitch
Why should i pay for parking when my empolyer refuses
to pay for parking, IF the UK was so intrested in ensureing
that commercial drivers were able to take the time to rest
as requred by various rules ,regulations and laws, THEN
they would BUILD more free parking, even abroad with the
large amount of free parking, all eu countrys are starting
to build even more parking areas which are FREE for trucks
it is only the UK which does not even contemplate this idea
why, because it would save lives that are ended due to driver
fatigue ,Free parking on the services up to 24hrs, after this
period a fee should be imposed,