What do you use to clean ya cab

whats the best thing you have used to get a nice shine on ya cab as ive tried loads and they all seem rubbish
another question whats the stuff you see in plastic bottle with a fuuny top on in loads of truck passenger doors you see it through window

another question whats the stuff you see in plastic bottle with a fuuny top on in loads of truck passenger doors you see it through window

It’s a type of air freshener

whats the best thing you have used to get a nice shine on ya cab as ive tried loads and they all seem rubbish
another question whats the stuff you see in plastic bottle with a fuuny top on in loads of truck passenger doors you see it through window

Armorall products work for me and the bottles are air fresheners :wink:

the night drivers at our place use the day drivers to clean the cab :laughing: give the dash a good clean then spray with silicone spray leave it to dry overnite before wiping away the excess

I prefer minimum wage slaves and elbow grease.

I use a lemon scented furniture polish inside. I spray it on then let it dry and wipe it off the next day. It comes up really well if you do that and the cloth stays dry enough to use again straight away.
I use Armorall tyre foam on the rubber mats. Again, I spray it on when I go to bed and wipe it off first thing next day. That lifts all the grime out of the mats but it doesn’t smell that great hence the scented polish.
The upholstery foams are all pretty much the same, but they are really good at removing smoke tar from headlinings and greasy marks from gearshifts and sterring wheels too.

If the truck is older then buy a bottle of that really strong detergent, yellow bottle and I think it’s called Zoflora, and mix it about 10-1 in a spray bottle for the seats, headlining and floor.


another question whats the stuff you see in plastic bottle with a fuuny top on in loads of truck passenger doors you see it through window

It’s a type of air freshener

I thought it was ■■■■.

A Pitch fork :cry:

A hand brush to get the food out from around the gear stick and mud out off the foot well.

A tin of pledge and some water to remove coffee stains.

Windowlene to remove nicotine off the windows.

Ah! the joys of being a DHL fleet driver. :wink:

mr sheen ,clean and polish ,yellow dusters ,window wipes ,wilkos grease remover ,cabs always look and smell real nice when ive finished but i dont know why i bother as theres that many trucks i wont see it for a month or two .
but it feels better for a few hours

And the best thing for 100% smear free glass and mirrors is…

Newspaper!!..True… it works a treat!

A spray bottle with just water in to dampen the glass you dont need to drench it and then wipe it with newspaper its the best smear free cloth i’ve ever found

WHAT!!! me clean a cab■■?

Not on your life.

Actually that’s not strictly true.

Being an agency bod,if it’s clean,it stays that way,if it’s a rat infested hell hole,it stays that way,but there is one thing I do,and that is wipe the steering wheel of EVERY truck I drive,with Co-op lemon anti-bacterial wipes.You should see some of the crud that comes off some steering wheels.And to think that drivers will eat food after handling a steering wheel like that.

I cleaned the wifes car out a few weeks ago,and did the steering wheel wipe test,and then showed her what she is putting her hands on,and when she saw the used wipes,she was nearly sick.


I use a tesco bag and fresh air. The Tescos bag holds my used coffee cups, crisp and sandwich wrappers and the fresh air clears the dust of the dash ! I don’t make a mess nor do i clean one up.

Newspaper!!..True… it works a treat!

A spray bottle with just water in to dampen the glass

I remember cleaning endless windows of an old barrack block with newspaper and can vouch for what Reef says!! We didn’t use any water though, just a quick spray with some deodorant.

i use autoglym high gloss polish on the paintwork and the durabrite ally wheels and chassis
autoglym metal polish on the tanks much better than peek and autosol
autoglym glass cleaner smeer free
autoglym leather care/cleaner on my seats engine cover ,floormats and door panels
simoniz dash wipes for dash ,lockers and any other plastics in the cab
magic tree air freshners and air freshner in an aerosol or ambipure vent mounted air freshner

i use autoglym high gloss polish on the paintwork and the durabrite ally wheels and chassis
autoglym metal polish on the tanks much better than peek and autosol
autoglym glass cleaner smeer free
autoglym leather care/cleaner on my seats engine cover ,floormats and door panels
simoniz dash wipes for dash ,lockers and any other plastics in the cab
magic tree air freshners and air freshner in an aerosol or ambipure vent mounted air freshner

And you actually get time to drive it too Kin ell you must put some hours in :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

what ever they use at the truck wask at transmarc calais washes my truck and DKV pay think its 25euro but you do get a free coffee

WD40 :smiley: for the floor and most of the dash,pledge now and again,antibacterial cleaner for the (fridge & microwave) :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing: the best stuff for windows is Betterware smear free glass cleaner :wink:

cab…megiures nxt, autoglym topgloss or,super resin,
alloy tanks/wheels… belgom,autosol,peek, meguires nxt metal polish,or at a push autoglym,
stainless steel rubbing scotch pad and autosol,
the list goes on and on and on :wink: :wink: :wink: ,
and the thing still doesnt look clean

Babywipes to wash the inside down and a damp cloth/kitchen towel to buff it up. Ditto mirrors. I react to any sort of polish etc. so couldn’t use it even if I wanted to - not that I do. I can’t abide polished interiors.

You get in some of our wagons and everything just slides around the place, they’re that shiny. It’s lethal on roundabouts - one lad is ex-Osbournes so has the “show truck” habit, and after one day in his truck I was forced to point out that if you need to buy liitle rubber mats to keep things in one place, then you’ve overdone things! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

It really isn’t worth cleaning my cab…I keep it tidy-ish and that’s about it.

I’ll keep my new one clean when I get it.