What do you prefer?

now ive always prefered early start early finish :sunglasses:

but yesterday due to having a few days off sick last week i was in the naughty boys book and had to start at 8am :exclamation: so last night i ran till 10pm thinking that it would be nice to stay in bed till 7am :wink:

as it is at the moment at my job everyday is planned as a 15 hour day wether you like it or not :exclamation: so ive been starting at 4 am or 5am and finishing at 7pm or 8pm. by that time im knackered so i have an hour on here before going to bed and getting up 9 hours later, im finding this crap as its to late at 8.30pm to put a film on or anything else as i need a good nights sleep…

anyway back on track so this morning i started at 7.15am and i thought it was loads better having a later start.

what do you all prefer :question: :question: :question:

i prefer a late finish (about 10pm latest) as i dont carry a tv or laptop with me in truck so there no sitting about getting bored or the temptation to go for a pint or three

About 8am start would be good but only because i cant get out off bed in the morning.

I used to prefer the 10 till 3 shift with coffee at 11.30 and dinner 1 till 2.

I prefer a late start, early finish :laughing:

I’m not much of a morning person, my body clock is set up for a 10am start & I work until midnight, this works well when I’m over in Canada, occaisionally I’ll have to get up in the middle of the night to get tipped, but I usually run that 10-midnight shift, I miss the morning rush & I plan a lunch break for the late afternoon if I’m going to be caught up in an evening rush hour, much less strssful that way, the only issue can be trying to get a ■■■■■■■■■■■■ that late at night.

Earlies for me, i normally start crica 4am, finish between 12 and half past.

I like to do both earlies and lates but late start late finish just about wins it. All depends how my week starts out. If I’ve got a run into Cornwall or London I like get an early start to beat the traffic, especially London. Thing is when I finish early sometimes I’m so tired I just get in the bunk and sleep tol about 12ish then I wake up a d can’t get back to sleep!

Now if at the start of the week I get a couple of local trips around the M25 then a big hitter to Devon/Cornwall I’ll happily run late into the evening, the roads are nice and quiet so its a nice relaxing drive, plus if I can make it to the merchant/site I can have a lay in :smiley:

jessicas dad:
‘… what do you all prefer :confused:…’

Swanning into work during daylight when white van bloke is at Wickes or the chippy and well after coffeeheads are on the works e-mail or sucking up to their bosses & all their brats are smashing up school - but before it gets pear-shaped again in the evening.

Happy to start when your train comes in when on locals, somewhere between 8-9.

Which usually means I’m finished by 2pm, they call me “half a job” :laughing:

This could be about me:


I can’t stand the rodent race (don’t like sitting in traffic for the sake of it), so I usually prefer an early start before the masses awaken and finish after all the sheepeople have gone home at the end of the day.

I start at 6am (usually in at half 5 and out by 6 though to miss the traffic in M25 roadworks/Dartford Tunnel), and usually at home by 3pm. I’m paid until 5 though, so if i’m out until 5, i’m not bothered.

Suits me fine.