What Do You make of This

Blimey Robroy, has Carryfast hacked your account? :wink:

Are we talking content and quality, or amount of paragraphs.

Don’t worry no plans to turn it into 10 pages …or mention the pitfalls of Socialism. :smiley:

Robroy: nicely balanced view point. Real world opinion of a real world situation. Nothing black n white, just apply common sense.

Robroy= That is bang on.If i worked for a firm like that treated me correctly…common sense would come in to play.
Its the fact that when i rang i stated im on 4hr 30 drive time parked up.Now if instructed i would have taken 47min break to clear drive time and as i had to 1530 i would have time to move out the way and the driver coming down comes and collect!

Its the fact i wasnt told to drop or that a driver was coming for that load!!

It was a produce load by the way…Oranges

Robroy= That is bang on.If i worked for a firm like that treated me correctly…common sense would come in to play.
Its the fact that when i rang i stated im on 4hr 30 drive time parked up.Now if instructed i would have taken 47min break to clear drive time and as i had to 1530 i would have time to move out the way and the driver coming down comes and collect!

Its the fact i wasnt told to drop or that a driver was coming for that load!!

It was a produce load by the way…Oranges

As I said mate, you did nothing wrong.
If you had dropped, went to bed and the trailer was nicked, who would they blame, and their arse clearing excercise would be ‘‘You were not told to drop it’’
I know what this type of co. is like.
I notice you have got a bit of stick and criticism for how you dealt with it, but at the end of the day you were playing by their rules.

If it is that type of co it is no good them being selective as to how these rules are adhered to, and especially if the rule bending was only acceptable when it suited them and/or had an adverse effect on you.
And as you say different type of firm more discretion applied by you.

Robroy’s hit the nail on the head, use your common sense. If your management are a bunch of tw@s, who squeeze every last minute of time from every driver, call you every ten minutes to rush you on, then at the end of the week give you an infringement form to sign with a frown, do things by the book. There’s no comeback. If they run you ragged, and plan you so tightly, they need to acknowledge there will be times when drivers have to refuse work to prevent them from infringing.

If the management treat you like a person, leave you to it, and are willing to entertain your point of view, don’t break the law, but help them out. One hand washes the other.

What makes me laugh is when the planners think that your working time finishes when you get back to the yard. They forget that fuelling-up, dropping the trailer, getting your stuff out, doing your paperwork, and handing-in your keys is other work. Personally, My duty time ends when I hand-in the keys. I’ve had it a couple of times when the planner plans you to get back to the yard at 14.5 hours, and I’ve had to refuse work because after I hand they keys in, I’d be over 15 hours working time. They really don’t like that, and I could definitely sense that they were hinting for me to pull my card when I get back to the yard, just so I can do their job. No! Don’t expect me to be out all week, and then on my last day pull a 15, considering at the start of my last day I will have done around 50 hours! I should be at home with my family, having a takeaway, not driving around at 10:00 at night on my last day.

Like Robroy says, they have to take the rough with the smooth if try to squeeze every minute out of their drivers, and face the consequences.

They really don’t like that, and I could definitely sense that they were hinting for me to pull my card when I get back to the yard, just so I can do their job. No! Don’t expect me to be out all week, and then on my last day pull a 15, considering at the start of my last day I will have done around 50 hours! I should be at home with my family, having a takeaway, not driving around at 10:00 at night on my last day.

They will only suggest that and other rule bending stuff (and take for granted you will co.operate :open_mouth: ) because many more of their drivers will be thick enough and timid enough to comply with anything they say, instead of like you just saying No.
Drivers are their own worst enemy, always have been.

When I worked at Currys I was on clock card as wells as tacho so I took my working time start from the time on my clock card to the time I clocked out as that was physical evidence of me working

If I have read this correctly you parked up sensibly because your driving period was up, you did however still have a short amount of driving and working time left, but which was of no use to you since it would neither get you anywhere else to park nor back to base. You would have been better off financially to take the 47 minute break and to then ring the company (in paid time) to find out exactly what they intended to do about the load. This giving you legal time to drop the trailer and park next to it if required; maybe also taking the opportunity to point out that with no overnight gear it either needed to be purchased at their expense or if you were willing to go without, then you would need to change clothes and wash the next day once you got back to the depot.

Got called to the office after i got back and i was told its being put down as bad planning the office side.
He did not want to talk about the FTA,i have been told he often throws that at drivers!!to make them do stuff!!

As we are right next to a check point i asked him should we pop and ask vosa man if the instructions you gave are fair ie sending a driver to disturb a driver having 9 off and to pull card whislt on break to drop trailer…He saw my point and declined

At the end of the day i would help a firm out who treat me like a human.Its not much to ask is it!

Got called to the office after i got back and i was told its being put down as bad planning the office side.
He did not want to talk about the FTA,i have been told he often throws that at drivers!!to make them do stuff!!

As we are right next to a check point i asked him should we pop and ask vosa man if the instructions you gave are fair ie sending a driver to disturb a driver having 9 off and to pull card whislt on break to drop trailer…He saw my point and declined

You can sure as hell bet they won’t ask you again mate, but at the same time continue to take the ■■■■ out of those that don’t answer back, and who are stupid enough to take notice of their FTA bullcrap.
As said by somebody else it aint militancy it’s standing up for yourself and applying THEIR rules to YOUR advantage.

They know this which is proved by the fact they dropped it and did not attempt to take it any further.

I assume you dont do nights out…hence no night gear…if it was me, i would have made my way back to the depot before my time ran out, or refused the job in the first place as not enough time to get home, or told the firm i needed to get into town to buy some night out gear…that includes bedding, wash gear, towel, shaving stuff etc, maybe a change of clothing, and a taxi to take you there and back…about £100 would suffice…plus your night out money, or maybe hotel money…

Worked with (not for unfortunately!) a large international company some years back and their drivers could do exactly as above if on a day run and ran out of time - hotel, buy essentials, put in receipts, job done!