What do you all listen to on the road

Other than the voices in my head I like listening to desert island discs, carry on films, uk comedys like faulty towers, alan partridge and bottom.
Just downloaded Peter Kay’s car share as well.

What do you all listen to?

I’m taking notes : )

Faulty Towers and Bottom as well as the Carry On films were sublime, favourite carry on was Carry on Cabby :smiley:
As for on the road, im just ok with the tv stations…

Edit-not whilst actually driving :stuck_out_tongue:

Usually its Radio 4 from 6am-11am, random music until Jeremy Vine on Radio 2, back to Radio 4 for Archers and whatever drama.

Then ill put on the LBC Nigel Farage show I downloaded or Question time, then back to Radio 4 from 5pm.

The v8 running through a straight pipe, the only way to go :grimacing: :grimacing:

The v8 running through a straight pipe, the only way to go :grimacing: :grimacing:

they certainly help to drown the muffled screams from inside the sleeping bag.( no pun intended) :slight_smile:
mostly i hear this.

and similar to this,except at test time when the flap get closed and the other one opens…
