What did you do next?

I know there’s a lot of ex-drivers on the forums and I’m wondering what moves you made once you decided you’d had enough of driving HGVs?

I’m 3 years in and I do mostly enjoy the job (Class 1, days, multidrop) but I’m finding myself questioning whether there’s more to life than the early starts and long hours that this industry seemingly dictates you need to do to earn a decent living.
I won’t ever go back my old career(s) in restaurant/retail management and I’ve got half an eye on becoming a driving instructor.

It’s hard to get career advice at 40. Any insights valuable.


Why not become a HGV driving instructor ?
If you’ve had management and office skills why not put it and you HGV experience to good use and train others

I returned to my previous profession, but abroad.

If you’re patient and a reasonably good communicator, driving instruction may be the way for you. Don’t think the pay is very good though!

I hung my keys up a month ago. After a few months rest I’m planning on getting a part time van driving job, or forklift work. Ultimately, I’m looking to sell my artworks, and work at that full time.

I retired…

If you like driving but hate the long hours maybe try a company that’s offers 4 on 4 off. Get bit more of a social life.
Jack Richards if they still exist used offer any shift patterns 4 on 4 off 5 on 3 off etc any shifts you wanted
Or builder’s merchants they do set hours only down side have work every Saturday morning.

Away from driving always train be a plumber or electrician. But then be spending your days in the cold getting dirty on building sites etc
And doubt pay will be that great despite what people say

Have you posted any samples on this forum? It might help with sales or get you a commission.

I did on the old forum.


Are thes drawn from photos? Great work and talent.

Cheers mate. Yes, I go to car and truck shows, take my own photos, and draw from them. I often modify them too.

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I retired, spent some time juggling my finances and pensions so I could do it early, best decision I ever made…

i retired 18 months ago ,loved my job (builders merchant ) had enough of the management . tried agencey for a while (only wanted p/t to boost oid age pension) and found it interesting". i spotted a ad for taxi driver taking kids to school (special needs kids) ,company paid for dbs /badge and i love it .i keep the bus at home so no commute . the job as they say is a guddun. i never seen myself doing this kind of work ,but pleased i tried it.

Do what you want to do my man. Im old now (68) always repaired or driven trucks and loved every day. The only thing I miss about the job is the great people I worked with. Just the laugh and the comeraderie. The job was crap but the folk I met more than made up for the long hours and poor pay. God bless them all.

Become a space engineer like this fella did. Not sure how true it all is but is on BBC website

If its on the BBC its ■■■■■■■■ end of.