i got told last nite a had to be in manchester for 5 am tip, no problem.
set my alarm for 3am with 3.30 start planned at 3.20 i went to put my car in and discovered that my 9 hours off weren’t up till 4.14!!! totally gutted, late for tip and knackered all in one go!!!
it’s not your fault if you put the card upside down is it untill 4.15
wouldnt worry i have been into work monday , wasnt untill started making phone calls at 6am to found out where my paperwork throwing a tantrum as needed to get back for a apoinment normaly its just put on drivers seat redy for morning awasnt till the Tm reminded me was bank holiday
Mr B:
i got told last nite a had to be in manchester for 5 am tip, no problem.
set my alarm for 3am with 3.30 start planned at 3.20 i went to put my car in and discovered that my 9 hours off weren’t up till 4.14!!! totally gutted, late for tip and knackered all in one go!!!
at least you were up and awaker ready for the off as soon as you could and didnt sleep in mate?
that is my worst nightmare, having to be somewhere at a certain time and waking up over an hour away at the time your meant to be there! only ever done it once and it was the worst day of my life, everything that could go wrong did go wrong cos i was rushing to try and catch up!
Lee G:
Mr B:
i got told last nite a had to be in manchester for 5 am tip, no problem.
set my alarm for 3am with 3.30 start planned at 3.20 i went to put my car in and discovered that my 9 hours off weren’t up till 4.14!!! totally gutted, late for tip and knackered all in one go!!!at least you were up and awaker ready for the off as soon as you could and didnt sleep in mate?
that is my worst nightmare, having to be somewhere at a certain time and waking up over an hour away at the time your meant to be there! only ever done it once and it was the worst day of my life, everything that could go wrong did go wrong cos i was rushing to try and catch up!
I have done it many years ago. I did a regular run to Dumfries which was 4 hours each way. It was always 8am delivery because they needed fresh product to run the plant.
I had been out one night and got home late, when I woke up it was 7am and I had a 4 hour drive to do plus 15 minutes to get to work, luckily it was before cab phones and my boss didn’t get up much before 8am. At least they were ready for me when I got to Carnation
Nothing was said to me for weeks and a sarcastic remark was passed. I did that daily run for about 8 months and was only late once
You need to remind your traffic office (and yourself) of the tacho laws regarding rest periods, if I’ve read your post correctly, you didn’t finish last night until 8.14pm? Obviously you should have told them it was no can do, as you need min 9 hours rest, as for putting your card in upside down as mentioned, not a wise move in the current climate.
You need to remind your traffic office (and yourself) of the tacho laws regarding rest periods, if I’ve read your post correctly, you didn’t finish last night until 8.14pm? Obviously you should have told them it was no can do, as you need min 9 hours rest, as for putting your card in upside down as mentioned, not a wise move in the current climate.
Phew, thank God we have some people with sense on here or we’d all be in deep doo doo.
Remember also guys, naked flames burn, and it goes without saying that it’s always better to remove clothing before ironing it.
You need to remind your traffic office (and yourself) of the tacho laws regarding rest periods, if I’ve read your post correctly, you didn’t finish last night until 8.14pm? Obviously you should have told them it was no can do, as you need min 9 hours rest, as for putting your card in upside down as mentioned, not a wise move in the current climate.
You need to remind your traffic office (and yourself) of the tacho laws regarding rest periods, if I’ve read your post correctly, you didn’t finish last night until 8.14pm? Obviously you should have told them it was no can do, as you need min 9 hours rest, as for putting your card in upside down as mentioned, not a wise move in the current climate.
Cheers mate. I’ve reread the regulations and discovered that i was actually a knob for getting up an hour early. Thank god for my hour guard or i would’ve put the card in “right way up” and set off an hour early! And got bollocked my the boss even if i avoided vosa all day.
Must be nice never making mistakes.
Mr B:
i got told last nite a had to be in manchester for 5 am tip, no problem.
set my alarm for 3am with 3.30 start planned at 3.20 i went to put my car in and discovered that my 9 hours off weren’t up till 4.14!!! totally gutted, late for tip and knackered all in one go!!!
Heh… I did better once. I woke up, washed myself, did vehicle checks, ate breakfast and then suddenly noticed that I can’t do 9 hrs break anymore that week. So i decided to get two hours snooze… and forgot to set up the alarm clock… so I woked up 4 hours later…
Mr B:
i got told last nite a had to be in manchester for 5 am tip, no problem.
set my alarm for 3am with 3.30 start planned at 3.20 i went to put my car in and discovered that my 9 hours off weren’t up till 4.14!!! totally gutted, late for tip and knackered all in one go!!!Heh… I did better once. I woke up, washed myself, did vehicle checks, ate breakfast and then suddenly noticed that I can’t do 9 hrs break anymore that week. So i decided to get two hours snooze… and forgot to set up the alarm clock… so I woked up 4 hours later…
now that was my worry this morning so i didn’t dare go back to bed.
i’m sure someone sencible or howatsi will be along to point out you shouldn’t do your daily checks until after your card goes in
Mr B:
i’m sure someone sencible or howatsi will be along to point out you shouldn’t do your daily checks until after your card goes in
I know that. But I just woked up too early and I was bored… It’s none of noones business what I am doing in my own time when I am bored, don’t you think?
You need to remind your traffic office (and yourself) of the tacho laws regarding rest periods, if I’ve read your post correctly, you didn’t finish last night until 8.14pm? Obviously you should have told them it was no can do, as you need min 9 hours rest, as for putting your card in upside down as mentioned, not a wise move in the current climate.
Where do you get the 8.14pm from ?
i broke down at 4pm in southampton docks 1 day while parked up, queues were huge so wasnt bothered, had a manchester 8am next day so took 9 off box on 2am, sets off, pulls in at hilton park, falls asleep an woke up at 10am even tho i had a good nights sleep !! 42 missed calls oopss !!
Mr Perfect (Howatsi)…ain’t too perfect with the maths…I think you’ll find that’s 7.15pm…otherwise who’s been a naughty boy
It’s none of noones business what I am doing in my own time when I am bored, don’t you think?
I totally agree it’s no-ones business what you get upto while you’re on your rest period but daily checks and paperwork just seems dirty and wrong lol.
Mr B:
I totally agree it’s no-ones business what you get upto while you’re on your rest period but daily checks and paperwork just seems dirty and wrong lol.
Oh, I do much dirtier things in my spare time…
Mr Perfect (Howatsi)…ain’t too perfect with the maths…I think you’ll find that’s 7.15pm…otherwise who’s been a naughty boy
Oops , I wondered why I sometimes managed to get an extra hours kip
As for Mr Perfect, hmm I’m not bold enough to tell you of some of the scrapes I managed get myself in over the years…
sorry Mr B for coming across a little harsh PM sent
The only part I read was that last night the office gave Mr B a time of 5AM to tip in Manchester.
It doesn’t say what time he finished only that the sleepy numpty got up an hour too early and had to twiddle his thumbs until he could start legally.
Sick and tired of every single delivery "RED HOT,MUST BE DELIVERED AT X OCLOCK",from a particular consignor,one of our lads got off the Holyhead boat at 01.00. F him and his urgent delivery.Bed til 7ish, :slight_smile: Billie Jeans on the A55 for brekkie, :slight_smile: and Skelmersdale for 11ish. :laughing: The bloke on the forklift in the ice cream factory(Scotch-pure gent),greeted him with the usual hi,good morning etc. "Three messages for you mate",(1)Ring your boss(2)Ring HIS boss(the freight forwarder)(3)Ring the M.D. of the company we were hauling for,to explain why his load of waxed cardboard packaging hadn
t been in Skelmersdale at 05.00.RESULTING IN THE ICED CREAM BEING DESTROYED.All x thousand litres of it.
The “URGENT” loads got a little thinner on the ground after that.i.e. only the urgent ones were marked as such.WE SLEEP BECAUSE WE NEED TO.Even the birds in the trees go asleep from time to time.
I remember last year, pulling into Harthill at 3am to take my 45. Was really tired so decided to get my sleeping bag out and have a sleep for 30mins, never set an alarm or anything woke up at 6.30am.
Vehicle had a isotracker, the office staff werent happy bunnys when i got back.
Agency driver we get our breaks taken off, office staff went mental saying this will come off your pay. I said ive no problem with that, not trying to pull a fast one look at my sheet ive marked down i took a 3hr 30min break, i was really tired and forgot to set my alarm. So they took the extra time off my hours worked.
When i got paid, they have just taken the normal 45 off tho