what a shocker

Shock as lorry driver found hanged in cab
Mar 28 2008 by Katie Bodinger, South Wales Echo

A LORRY driver was found hanged in his cab at a haulage depot.

Craig Painter, 31, was delivering goods to Rhys Davies Haulage firm in Taffs Well on Wednesday morning.

Workers at the site opened the door of his lorry to tell him he was free to go when they made the discovery.

Owner of the firm Gwyn Davies said everyone at the company was distressed by what had happened. Mr Painter, from Cwmbran, was not known to the people working there.

“It’s a tragic event. It’s awful to think that something like this has happened at our premises,” said Mr Davies.

“He had come to deliver some goods to us. The driver then normally sits in the cab while we unload the lorry. After a couple of hours, my lads went to knock on his door to say he could leave. They opened the door and there he was. It’s shocking for them. They got him down to try and revive him and called the ambulance.”

He added: “Our thoughts are with his family at this sad time.”

It is not known which company Mr Painter was working for.

Coroner’s officer Stuart Griffiths said a post-mortem examination would be held today at the Royal Glamorgan Hospital.

My thoughts are with the family at this time.

I do not agree with this though. I think this quote is not right:

Katie Bodinger, South Wales Echo:
“It’s awful to think that something like this has happened at our premises,” said Mr Davies.

Why should it matter where it happend. It is still tragic. Would they not care if it was not on thier premises.


New Blood

fare point newblood :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

Very sad indeed, the driver obviously had some unresolved issues, my thoughts are with his family.

On a less serious note:

What was he driving?! a cab with enough room to hang yourself in?! Must have been one o them new Magnums!


What was he driving?! a cab with enough room to hang yourself in?! Must have been one o them new Magnums!


I doubt that ad slogan will catch on and increase sales though.

To look at it another way, it could just have been a tragic accident. I hope they did not suffer though and that thier family get all the support they need. My thoughts are with them all.


My thoughts are with the family at this time.

I do not agree with this though. I think this quote is not right:

Katie Bodinger, South Wales Echo:
“It’s awful to think that something like this has happened at our premises,” said Mr Davies.

Why should it matter where it happend. It is still tragic. Would they not care if it was not on thier premises.


New Blood

I think your taking it outta context, its a shock to the guy because it happen at his work and he experienced it. Its somthing no one ever imagined they would see at their work.

My thoughts are with the family at this time.

I do not agree with this though. I think this quote is not right:

Katie Bodinger, South Wales Echo:
“It’s awful to think that something like this has happened at our premises,” said Mr Davies.

Why should it matter where it happend. It is still tragic. Would they not care if it was not on thier premises.


New Blood

It is Tragic,and I feel for the family and the owner of the premises,for which is a totally unacceptable selfish act!!!

It really ■■■■■ me off tbh,with selfish individuals who obviously have issues of some description,but why do it in your truck on a customers premises■■?

Go ■■■■■■■ do it at home or something,dont involve others!!

its like these people who throw themselves in front of trucks and trains,If your gonna top yourself do it at home,throw a electric fire in the bath,or hang yourself there.
some Bell end on Thursday shut the M3 for hours,cause he was gonna throw himself of a bridge.
they should of ■■■■■■■ let him do it,then everybody else could of got on with there lives instead of making him the centre of attention. :angry: :angry: :angry:

“It’s awful to think that something like this has happened at our premises,” said Mr Davies.

I don’t think that Mr Davies meant this comment in a derogatory way, anybody who discovers a body in whatever circumstances will experience the effects of shock and reactions and responses need to be viewed with that in mind.

As a community in involved in the transport industry I’m sure all our thoughts are with the family of the driver and also the staff who found and tried to revive him
I’m sure everyone involved with this very sad event will at some time need professional bereavement counselling and ongoing support for them to be able to come to terms with this very untimely death.

when i left longs of leeds the driver who got my ssc tried to hang himself in it. somebody found him or spotted him i dont really know but i know cris long had to go to southampton to get the lorry back. :open_mouth: the driver kept his job and when he came back edxpecting sypathey he got none apart from bollockings of everyone about being selfish and a stupid cry for help.

Fair point all. I feel the papers should have just changed the quote slightly, to make it look better. after-all, they can twist words to make a news article sound better.


Fair point all. I feel the papers should have just changed the quote slightly, to make it look better. after-all, they can twist words to make a news article sound better.


Thoughts are with the family.

The papers rarely get any report correct.

I think a bit of a harsh attitude towards the guy.

Yeah there is a lot of people who will do something half baked just to attention or sympathy.

But to actual kill yourself, you aint right in the head. Talking about mental illness or depression. I find it sad thats someones personal demons drive them to do somthing like that and shows the kinda stigma mental illness still has today and prob why people end up taking these drastic measures because admiting you have a problem or trying to talk about it you will get no sympathy,

It is a selfish act when all is said and done and i feel really sorry for the guys family who will have to live with it for the rest of their lifes, and feel really sorry for the poor ■■■■■■■ who found the guy as well. But i doubt the guy was thinking rationally and thinking well maybe i can do this at home, because if he was prob wouldnt have killed himself in the first place.

I think a bit of a harsh attitude towards the guy.

Yeah there is a lot of people who will do something half baked just to attention or sympathy.

But to actual kill yourself, you aint right in the head. Talking about mental illness or depression. I find it sad thats someones personal demons drive them to do somthing like that and shows the kinda stigma mental illness still has today and prob why people end up taking these drastic measures because admiting you have a problem or trying to talk about it you will get no sympathy,

It is a selfish act when all is said and done and i feel really sorry for the guys family who will have to live with it for the rest of their lifes, and feel really sorry for the poor [zb] who found the guy as well. But i doubt the guy was thinking rationally and thinking well maybe i can do this at home, because if he was prob wouldnt have killed himself in the first place.

I Agree to that in part.
I’ve had big issues in the past with manic depression,(many many people do)to the point of suicidal thoughts.But I never intentionally set out to affect other people,I dealt with it myself,
Its very hard to explain to people who dont have depression how it affects people in such a devastating way.
One day you’re on a high,the next you just dont wanna go on anymore.
but even with irrational thinking most people have the ability to think about the others that it will effect (hence being selfish)
I feel sorry for the Driver involved,but his family and the people who pulled him out his cab are affected for the rest of their lives in some way or another and the bloke involved is DEAD and in being so is unaffected by his actions. :wink:

It really [zb] me off tbh,with selfish individuals who obviously have issues of some description,but why do it in your truck on a customers premises■■?

Ohh Right so they have definitely ruled out an accident such as reaching up for something then slipping resulting in his head being caught in one of the bunk straps or CB wire etc etc etc

Strangely I never saw anything in the report that said it was self inflicted or an accident but hey, bikemonkey, obviously you know the full facts :wink:

There is alot of hangings going on in Wales recently! What is going on?



Is it that bad a place to tip, here we are going on about TESCO’s etc.etc been suicidal.

On a serious note thoughts to all concerned.

Davey Driver:

It really [zb] me off tbh,with selfish individuals who obviously have issues of some description,but why do it in your truck on a customers premises■■?

Ohh Right so they have definitely ruled out an accident such as reaching up for something then slipping resulting in his head being caught in one of the bunk straps or CB wire etc etc etc

Strangely I never saw anything in the report that said it was self inflicted or an accident but hey, bikemonkey, obviously you know the full facts :wink:

maybe Davey he was performing a perverse ■■■ act,did’nt think to mention that. :unamused:
Im sure if it was a ‘TRAGIC ACCIDENT’ it would have been reported as that.and all the OTHER replies along the same lines as mine would not have been posted
how the ■■■■ do you hang yourself on your bunk straps or a CB wire.

you dont need to scrape the barrel of stupidness man :unamused:

how the [zb] do you hang yourself on your bunk straps or a CB wire.

you dont need to scrape the barrel of stupidness man :unamused:

fpmsl :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

i agree.

The poor lad. I sincerely hope that,whichever way we,as outsiders look at it,he has found some kind of peace. My heart goes out to his family;it’s such a tragic shame that his problems were such,that he felt that he couldn’t talk to someone/anyone.

Bloody hell! :open_mouth:

I was in there collecting juice only a few weeks ago.

Not nice at all. :frowning: