What a plonker

Anyone see the clown in Northampton services yesterday lose his trailer ?.Fowler Welch unit and trailer pulls next to me ,driver gets out pulls his pin and then amazingly tries to stop the trailer rolling down the hill by grabbing hold of the corner ,the only thing that stopped it was the trees at the bottom .Turns out he didn’t speak a word of English

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: No, but i wish i was there.

:lol: :laughing: :laughing: No, but i wish i was there.

Picture this, little short chubby bloke ,tight blue shorts ,big boots ,whiter than white shaven legs trying to stop a trailer rolling down hill ,a trailer i might add that he hadn’t dropped the legs on ,undone the lines or put the brake on ,and then picture the sweat that was rolling off him as he tried to wind the legs up so he could get the unit back under . :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

I kinda felt sorry for him but because i don’t suppose for one minute he is the first to that nor will he be the last
One of the many, many drivers who where watching(the lorry park was full) said to me that it was worrying that someone with such incompetence was allowed in charge of 44t of moving steel .

What would make him get out then just pull the pin ?

What would make him get out then just pull the pin ?

I have no idea ,must be a foreign thing :grimacing:

Perhaps he thought it was the park brake , they’ll hav to put a sign in polish on it like fresh line have done for the ad blue

Perhaps he thought it was the park brake , they’ll hav to put a sign in polish on it like fresh line have done for the ad blue

That just raises even more questions :grimacing:

What would make him get out then just pull the pin ?

Maybe he was dropping it (granted, incorrectly) for someone to pick up.

Should have left it.

“I’ve dropped it by the trees mate, might be a bit low, speak soon” :grimacing:

That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard for ages, warms the cockles it does. I’ve got this image of a dude trying to stop it rolling off with his hands.

I did that just after I first passed at parcel force in Coventry. Little trailer pulled the pin first and it rolled off the back, nearly through a fence, I just watched it go. Luckily the shunters were good lads & picked it up for me no harm done!

It hasn’t happened since…

Let ye who is without sin cast the first stone.

What would make him get out then just pull the pin ?

It’s more normal for our European cousins to ‘Split Couple’ even if they aren’t pulling a Fridge.

A couple of bad habits and a bit of stress and you’re providing the comedy turn for your fellow drivers…



What would make him get out then just pull the pin ?

Maybe he was dropping it (granted, incorrectly) for someone to pick up.

Should have left it.

“I’ve dropped it by the trees mate, might be a bit low, speak soon” :grimacing:

actually that bit should read

“Mam upuÅ›ciÅ‚ go przez oficera drzew, może być trochÄ™ maÅ‚o, mówi szybko”


What would make him get out then just pull the pin ?

Maybe he was dropping it (granted, incorrectly) for someone to pick up.

Should have left it.

“I’ve dropped it by the trees mate, might be a bit low, speak soon” :grimacing:

He was thinking about the other driver coming to pick up the trailer a d obviously he has decided to drop it in the shade and out of the way of this warm sunshine :grimacing:

We need to see the piccies.

We need to see the piccies.

Trust me i really really wish i had took some ,but it was over so fast i didn’t have time to take any …my bad :frowning:

He was thinking about the other driver coming to pick up the trailer a d obviously he has decided to drop it in the shade and out of the way of this warm sunshine :grimacing:

and in the trees so nobody can get in the back :grimacing:

That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard for ages, warms the cockles it does. I’ve got this image of a dude trying to stop it rolling off with his hands.

I did that just after I first passed at parcel force in Coventry. Little trailer pulled the pin first and it rolled off the back, nearly through a fence, I just watched it go. Luckily the shunters were good lads & picked it up for me no harm done!

It hasn’t happened since…

Let ye who is without sin cast the first stone.

I’m so glad someone has shown a little sympathy. I’ve had a variation of that one happen to me, and I wanted the ground to swallow me, but I picked myself up dusted down, and carried on, another nasty experience the wiser. It does help to remember that experience is the very best teacher of all, as long as one doesn’t repeat the mistake :grimacing: