What a lovely fella

I know we have freedom of speech but how or why would anyone want to wear a shirt with that written on it…its offensive to many, and very innapropriate…in fact i dont think i have ever seen anything so offensive.

What a ■■■■ :unamused:

caughtoffside.com/2016/05/30 … ialnetwork

According to Andrew Tinkler “Paul Grange is not listed as a employee of Stobart Group or Eddie Stobart Ltd our Investigation continues with our suppliers”.

westmercia.police.uk/articl … er-offence

He should release a book…how to ■■■■ up your life in one easy move :laughing:

And? If I wore a t shirt with " I love carryfast and ■■■■ ■■■ " to the pub, then it’s got [zb] all to do stobarts

Did you lump them together because of their similarity, ie. They don’t really appeal to everybody, and can be an extreme pain in the arse. :smiley:

Also where exactly would you buy those t. shirts? :smiley:
(The Carryfast ones not the subject of the o/p btw)

I think he took the free speech to the extreme.

he may have pushed the boundaries of free speech, but free speech has no limits or it is no longer free speech. FREE speech includes saying things that are clearly wrong but having the right to say it.
We don’t have and never had have free speech in Britain.
The rules regarding what is acceptable have changed over recent years, think of the way we used to describe immigrants only a few years ago which would now get you a visit to the magistrates.
When you start down the slippery road of censoring free speech you are already on the road to North Korea type life.

As far as Stobarts being involved, I can only imagine that in his contract was an item referring to bringing the company into disrepute, I know that there was something along those lines in my last company handbook

Arrested for his own safety no doubt, expect public apology shortly along the lines of wore it for a bet was drunk etc to try and diffuse a mob mentality witch hunt scenario.

Doesnt come under freedom of speech IMHO more freedom to be stupid, hes had a tshirt designed to cause offense and give it the bigun when down the pub. What he hasnt counted on is the power of facebook so now not only does every bugger and his dog know where he lives but he has compromised the safety of his own family.

Hopefully this will fizzle out like many other internet hate campaigns but if I was him id be a very worried individual.

I really couldn’t care less and others shouldn’t either. He’s a helmet for wearing it but so what? He can wear what he likes, last time I checked we weren’t living under Saddam.

Anyone who gets offended on behalf of other people should use their head as a bay bump stop.

I really can’t fathom out why anyone cares about a t shirt.


Suppose most of us dont care beyond anything more than thinking ‘what a twunt, enjoy your 15minutes of fame’.
But for those lives Hillsborough touched in a big way they will care a lot, but thats just an opinion I cant get offended on their behalf. But many will.

Part of the reason for this witch hunt is the PC bs we have to endure in this country in general, ooh you can’t call them that, or say that ect ect, that and some of the trolls on face ache having fa better going on in their sad lives

Next some one will be getting arrested for wearing a t’shirt with ■■■■ on it , the section 5 part of the public order act has been all too frequently used by the police, to arrest anyone they choose to , It’s ok to speak out about something , but do it too loudly and they will arrest you, unless you are many and not one

tommy t:
Part of the reason for this witch hunt is the PC bs we have to endure in this country in general, ooh you can’t call them that, or say that ect ect, that and some of the trolls on face ache having fa better going on in their sad lives

I aint pc by any means, I have no connection with Liverpool or the victims, or Facebook for that matter, so I aint personally offended in that context.
However I do find it offensive in general, surely you can not say, and are not saying that it is acceptable to ponce around wearing something like that, if only from a public decency perspective.


tommy t:
Part of the reason for this witch hunt is the PC bs we have to endure in this country in general, ooh you can’t call them that, or say that ect ect, that and some of the trolls on face ache having fa better going on in their sad lives

I aint pc by any means, I have no connection with Liverpool or the victims, or Facebook for that matter, so I aint personally offended in that context.
However I do find it offensive in general, surely you can not say, and are not saying that it is acceptable to ponce around wearing something like that, if only from a public decency perspective.

If i was out having a pint and saw someone wearing the same t shirt , can’t say it would bother me enough to do anything about it, like calling plod, or having a go at him for wearing it.

If i was a pub landlord , i would of told him to go home and put a different t shirt on , as he wouldn’t be getting served in my pub wearing that t’shirt ,and if he came back in wearing that shirt he would be barred and removed No doubt it was some half ■■■■■■ up fool who spat at him trying to start a fight because they were under the influence ,

The Hillsborough families conducted themselves with pure dignity all those years and I doubt whether this moron will affect that. They have the admiration and respect of us all. They will ignore it as he is not worth anyone getting upset about. He is crass offensive and so much more but I would still defend the right for him to do it the day we take away free speech (whether it offends us greatly or not) is the day we take ourselves down a dark road. Muslims are abusing free speech on a daily basis by encouraging child ■■■■ as they say that is their culture I find that much more offensive than that cretin’s t shirt Advocating that they ■■■■ our women who are not muslim as that is their culture that is more offensive.
There are more important things to get het up about than a total prat and his t shirt.

I keep getting told off for wearing a T-shirt I got given at a biker rally in Portugal that says “é verdade que eu sou lésbica” which means “it’s true I’m a lesbian” does this mean I’m going to be confronted by the Millie tant crop haired dungaree wearing brigade ?

I am with Adonis on this one, it is a lot of fuss about a tee shirt, has anyone thought he may have worn it as a joke or a dare .
The reaction on social media is on the same lines of how people are treated in the Middle East for speaking out .
He is not wearing a black flag with white writing on it, of which is banned in the UK.
Nobody over reacts to hen parties in public carrying giant inflatable genital parts or blow up dolls with L plates on, which may be offensive to some .
In some countries it is offensive for women to show flesh and hair.

I wonder if he’d wear that T shirt in Liverpool?? Total idiot :imp:

I hate football,but you don’t take the pxxs out of people who died in such a horrific way,obviously not a decent human being

Sir +:
I wonder if he’d wear that T shirt in Liverpool?? Total idiot :imp:

I would give him 10 min max before being hospitalised if he wore that in Liverpool

I agree with free speech but writing it to be published so blatantly is wrong, on any matter, like all the rubbish published about out or in the eu, neither side can prove anything they are saying, so it should not be published and pushed under our noses all the time,

The guy has been charged by cops on teletext

It’s not only the t shirt he has been spouting ■■■■■ on his Facebook page recently about the 96 who died at hillsborough,as a regulat match goer following lfc home and away ,and knowing a lot of lads who had family affected by the tragedy ,I’ll tell you know he has made one big mistake with what he’s done ,the Urchins won’t let him away with this .