Westfield white city

not a trucking story but in case its true then take it as a warning,in the wake of paris my neice has a friend whos mate works in construction,he was on a roof at westfield and 200 yds away on another roof he spotted a guy crouching down,took a picture [quite a good one]and this bloke had a radio ,binoculars and was dressed in black and wearing what is believed to be a burka,the guy who took the picture then immediately phoned anti terror police,it is now in their hands,as I say not a trucking story but plenty of hgv drivers on here who may be thinking of shopping there with family for Christmas,particularly if you reside in London,it could be some sicko trying to scare people,but you don’t know,i have the picture on facebook but have no clue how to put it on here

Is that the shopping centre :question: if so I was taking to a Sikh the other day and he said it had been taken over ( shops) by Muslims , so it seems strange they’d attack it , if that is the plan
N.b I’ve never been in the place , only drove passed it so no idea if what he told me was true or not

that’s the one, as I say not trying to scare people,but this scumbag looked the real deal in the picture,but as I said earlier he could be someone with a warped sense of humour being egged on by some mates

Westfield is the name of the place and yep it’s full of muslims

not a trucking story but in case its true then take it as a warning,in the wake of paris my neice has a friend whos mate works in construction,he was on a roof at westgate and 200 yds away on another roof he spotted a guy crouching down,took a picture [quite a good one]and this bloke had a radio ,binoculars and was dressed in black and wearing what is believed to be a burka,the guy who took the picture then immediately phoned anti terror police,it is now in their hands,as I say not a trucking story but plenty of hgv drivers on here who may be thinking of shopping there with family for Christmas,particularly if you reside in London,it could be some sicko trying to scare people,but you don’t know,i have the picture on facebook but have no clue how to put it on here

Your neice has a friend who’s mate… Well thats not tenuous at all! As for a man wearing a Burka? Did you know the purpose of a Burka is to protect a womans modesty? Islam forbids men to act like women and women to act like men - That includes dressing like each other.

I smell BS.


not a trucking story but in case its true then take it as a warning,in the wake of paris my neice has a friend whos mate works in construction,he was on a roof at westgate and 200 yds away on another roof he spotted a guy crouching down,took a picture [quite a good one]and this bloke had a radio ,binoculars and was dressed in black and wearing what is believed to be a burka,the guy who took the picture then immediately phoned anti terror police,it is now in their hands,as I say not a trucking story but plenty of hgv drivers on here who may be thinking of shopping there with family for Christmas,particularly if you reside in London,it could be some sicko trying to scare people,but you don’t know,i have the picture on facebook but have no clue how to put it on here

Your neice has a friend who’s mate… Well thats not tenuous at all! As for a man wearing a Burka? Did you know the purpose of a Burka is to protect a womans modesty? Islam forbids men to act like women and women to act like men - That includes dressing like each other.

I smell BS.

smell what you like fella,pictures don’t lie and I am well aware of a burkas purpose,and if you read my post I stated what is believed to be a burka I never said it actually was,and I also said in case its true,not actual fact,as I also said it could be someone with a warped sense of humour,as regards dressing like each other maybe you didn’t read the story some time back about some terrorist/robber dressing as a woman including burka to evade justice,still if you reside in London and are thinking of visiting WESTGATE,by all means take a chance with your family,if it happened in paris it sure as hell can happen here

Just cos it’s full of muslims don’t mean it won’t happen. These crazy ■■■■■■■■■ don’t discriminate, they just like killing.




As for a man wearing a Burka? Did you know the purpose of a Burka is to protect a womans modesty? Islam forbids men to act like women and women to act like men - That includes dressing like each other.


maybe you didn’t read the story some time back about some terrorist/robber dressing as a woman including burka to evade justice.

You are indeed correct. The person in question was Mustaf Jama who was one of the lowlife who killed the female police officer and seriously wounded another in the failed armed robbery of a travel agents in Bradford about 10 years ago.
He dressed up as an Arab woman in all the Iranian desert gear, used a woman’s passport and went on the run to Somalia for 4 year, a place where he had originally came from saying it was too dangerous to live there :unamused: He did get caught in an undercover operation and bought back to justice where he revived a life sentence of 30+ year.

. Double post.

I think they (terrorists) are a bit more discreet!!

I think they (terrorists) are a bit more discreet!!

Really?? They weren’t in Paris, Mumbai, Mali or Tunisia were they?


I think they (terrorists) are a bit more discreet!!

Really?? They weren’t in Paris, Mumbai, Mali or Tunisia were they?

yes they were did you not know?

Just cos it’s full of muslims don’t mean it won’t happen. These crazy [zb] don’t discriminate, they just like killing.

In fact when it comes to Muslims its more likely to happen given that Daesh is actually one sect of muslims currently killing another sect because they don’t agree they’re true muslims.



not a trucking story but in case its true then take it as a warning,in the wake of paris my neice has a friend whos mate works in construction,he was on a roof at westgate and 200 yds away on another roof he spotted a guy crouching down,took a picture [quite a good one]and this bloke had a radio ,binoculars and was dressed in black and wearing what is believed to be a burka,the guy who took the picture then immediately phoned anti terror police,it is now in their hands,as I say not a trucking story but plenty of hgv drivers on here who may be thinking of shopping there with family for Christmas,particularly if you reside in London,it could be some sicko trying to scare people,but you don’t know,i have the picture on facebook but have no clue how to put it on here

Your neice has a friend who’s mate… Well thats not tenuous at all! As for a man wearing a Burka? Did you know the purpose of a Burka is to protect a womans modesty? Islam forbids men to act like women and women to act like men - That includes dressing like each other.

I smell BS.

smell what you like fella,pictures don’t lie and I am well aware of a burkas purpose,and if you read my post I stated what is believed to be a burka I never said it actually was,and I also said in case its true,not actual fact,as I also said it could be someone with a warped sense of humour,as regards dressing like each other maybe you didn’t read the story some time back about some terrorist/robber dressing as a woman including burka to evade justice,still if you reside in London and are thinking of visiting WESTFIELD,by all means take a chance with your family,if it happened in paris it sure as hell can happen here

anyway I thought the purpose of the burka was because most of these women are ugly (most
Are)Also could have sworn it was westgate but now corrected on my post

Told the Mrs the other week to avoid large, packed shopping centres on the run up to Xmas…you never know. I was reading this y’day…that’s very close to me, and we have The Oracle nearby, which is always packed with shoppers and crammed with drinkers due to having bars & restaurants either side of the river tinyurl.com/q3nk5ft

Told the Mrs the other week to avoid large, packed shopping centres on the run up to Xmas…you never know. I was reading this y’day…that’s very close to me, and we have The Oracle nearby, which is always packed with shoppers and crammed with drinkers due to having bars & restaurants either side of the river tinyurl.com/q3nk5ft

THEY WIN THEN whers ya spine :question: :question:


Told the Mrs the other week to avoid large, packed shopping centres on the run up to Xmas…you never know. I was reading this y’day…that’s very close to me, and we have The Oracle nearby, which is always packed with shoppers and crammed with drinkers due to having bars & restaurants either side of the river tinyurl.com/q3nk5ft

THEY WIN THEN whers ya spine :question: :question:

I agree with you to a certain extent,but its better to keep your spine rather than have it shot out by some scum carrying an AK47



Told the Mrs the other week to avoid large, packed shopping centres on the run up to Xmas…you never know. I was reading this y’day…that’s very close to me, and we have The Oracle nearby, which is always packed with shoppers and crammed with drinkers due to having bars & restaurants either side of the river tinyurl.com/q3nk5ft

THEY WIN THEN whers ya spine :question: :question:

I agree with you to a certain extent,but its better to keep your spine rather than have it shot out by some scum carrying an AK47

STILL THEY WIN THEN could happen going to local spar what do we do lock doors and stay hidden




Told the Mrs the other week to avoid large, packed shopping centres on the run up to Xmas…you never know. I was reading this y’day…that’s very close to me, and we have The Oracle nearby, which is always packed with shoppers and crammed with drinkers due to having bars & restaurants either side of the river tinyurl.com/q3nk5ft

THEY WIN THEN whers ya spine :question: :question:

I agree with you to a certain extent,but its better to keep your spine rather than have it shot out by some scum carrying an AK47

STILL THEY WIN THEN could happen going to local spar what do we do lock doors and stay hidden

yeah,see your point

Just as an update (if anyone’s bothered!), both have been found guilty and jailed tinyurl.com/hdombmo