We're all doomed

oh no !
will i get my deliveries done before it all goes t**s up ■■

thehindu.com/sci-tech/scienc … 873313.ece

So I’ll not bother with cutting the grass at the weekend then ■■

Hopefully I’ll still be drawing my pension by then :grimacing:

I have cancelled the milkman delivery.

Stobarts will “Keep On Trucking” I bet :grimacing:

Can i get a refund on my calendar. Still have the receipt.Does this mean no more Clare Bolding. She is everywhere.And so is Holly Willowby and her badger haired mate Philip Schoefield.
Will the new M5 Msa be built in time?

oh no !
will i get my deliveries done before it all goes t**s up ■■

thehindu.com/sci-tech/scienc … 873313.ece

It will be reapeated on BBC 1. After the event. If not catch up on the i player :smiley: