if you aint got a proper income stream
get to job centre and sign on
its your right
its a pain in the rear end though to sign on and takes forever, they have a telephone system up here for it, its rediculous. id rather be skint than sign on i hate going into the jobcentre, most depressing place ever
Well thats it boys have now spent 2hours sigining on at the job centre only 3 jobs availible 2 of which require a cv so will probably have to wait for ages before i get a reply and 1 where i phone up about the job and was told the person i had to speak to was on holiday for three weeks wh at a waste of time so money now running out not able to put fuel in car to go and knock on doors as i have done for the last week or so .so back to the old leg work i think that there should be a fund set up for drivers to help them find work so can life get any worse not untill the wife comes home and i tell heres the bad news but will keep on trucking and walking ps class1 driver looking for work uk and european tramping wasing plates or trucks or any job
clarky have you tried boughey?. GAZ on here drives for them and if i remember from the agency days they had drivers on a tuesday to saturday shift…pete