Well, that didn't take long.... part 33 1/3

Well, that didn’t take long. Its an impressive list of achievements though.

Shortest time in office for Chancellor
Shortest time in office for Foreign Secretary
Shortest time in office for Prime Minster

Most u-turns in Shortest time.
Most damage to national economy in Shortest time.

I do not rejoice today, this is really not good for this country. In fact, I believe that the Tories have now done serious, irreversible damage to both the economy, and our standing in the world.

And the pantomime of popularity politics continues…

Shapps was installed in Home Office y2day? When will/did his tenure end?
2day with her resignation? Or when she is replaced? Whatever, it is impressively brief.

Agreed that it isn`t funny. Yeah, we will make jokes, but serious damage has already been done to many, and more is on the way.

Apparently Johnson has heard the call and is up for another go at it!
He is cutting short his holiday in the Caribbean* and will stand for leader.

*After a long summer of doing nothing as PM, and an arduous holiday in Greece, he needed a holiday to recover from it all.
Poor soul. I daresay his constituents and party whips are happy that he isn`t putting himself under too much strain.