Well I start my first artic job on monday

Well had a nice week away with my family and now back to reality!
Im starting my first C+E job on monday, Ive left a job i enjoyed, working for a boss I cant fault to go driving artics. Not sure ive done the right thing now but too late to change my mind i guess. Really enjoyed working on the 8 wheelers but after having passed my C+E a few years ago, and having wanted to drive artics since i was a child I felt i had to do it.
Im quite nervous though having no artic experience. I did pass an assesement drive although how i managed it remains a mystery after cocking up the reversing part. I keep finding all these videos on youtube of pricks filming drivers trying to reverse onto bays and messing it up!
Any advice would be most welcome by the way :smiley:
And will keep you informed of how i get on :smiley:

Firstly, well done on landing a CE job. A few bits of advice - all common sense. Take your time. Get out and look or get someone you can trust to watch you. Don’t be pressured into rushing/not checking. Give yourself the space you need - then take some more. Keep the bend between unit and trailer as small as possible. Remember to keep steering into the bend otherwise it’ll tie itself in a knot before you know it!

Relax, take care and enjoy. Few of us could actually reverse when we had passed our test and learned on the job. So that’s exactly what you’ll be doing.

On the road, take more room than you think you need - you can always give it back. Allow plenty of time to stop as you possibly will weigh more. But you should be fine having been on 8 wheelers.

Coupling and uncoupling - do it by the book. The system is there for a reason - safety. Don’t rush, do it properly and check it. Then check it again. If you’re not sure, ask for help if possible. Never take chances.

I’m knackered now! Best of luck; you’re probably worrying more than you need to. :laughing: :laughing:

I keep finding all these videos on youtube of pricks filming drivers trying to reverse onto bays and messing it up!

I’ve said it before mate. If you do something right, no one will know you’ve done anything. Meaning no body (or very few people) will stop to record a good reverse. They will only record the ■■■■-ups as in their eyes its better entertainment.

however here is a very rare upload :smiley:


Just be patient and you’ll get it mate :smiley:

Thanks for that Peter, Im very confident whilst out driving an artic, No problems at all really.
But the reversing worries me, but as you say, i will learn on the job, everyone has to start somewhere :smiley:


I keep finding all these videos on youtube of pricks filming drivers trying to reverse onto bays and messing it up!

I’ve said it before mate. If you do something right, no one will know you’ve done anything. Meaning no body (or very few people) will stop to record a good reverse. They will only record the ■■■■-ups as in their eyes its better entertainment.

however here is a very rare upload :smiley:


Just be patient and you’ll get it mate :smiley:

Ya know what, ive seen this video mate and suprised to see it uploaded!
You dont see many vids of a decent manouvere. Totally agree with you :smiley:

Goodluck mate, you will be fine, just has been mentioned get out and look if not sure and take as much time as you need.


I keep finding all these videos on youtube of pricks filming drivers trying to reverse onto bays and messing it up!

I’ve said it before mate. If you do something right, no one will know you’ve done anything. Meaning no body (or very few people) will stop to record a good reverse. They will only record the ■■■■-ups as in their eyes its better entertainment.

however here is a very rare upload :smiley:


Just be patient and you’ll get it mate :smiley:

Seen it before too, very well done although he had plenty of room for that one. You seen the co op one in the rain with ashley peacock? he dont have a clue on how to guide an artic back at all, i would of had to get out and smack one of them idiots one if im honest!

Yeah I know exactly which one your on about.

He is a right ■■■■, stnding out of view of his mirrors and trying to direct him :unamused: :unamused:

Good look with the job pal :grimacing:

Who are you working for?

Good luck with the job, Im sure everything will work out fine for you. Im due to start my Cat C training in October, seems so long away as I can’t wait to get started but dreading when the time comes to start the job hunt. Good luck.

Working for Reed Boardall at the side of the A1 at boroughbridge.

Working for Reed Boardall at the side of the A1 at boroughbridge.

Cool :grimacing:
My dad delivers there some times

Scott M:

Working for Reed Boardall at the side of the A1 at boroughbridge.

Cool :grimacing:
My dad delivers there some times

Read some bad things about them on here but from what ive found so far it seems a pretty good place to work. The kit is nearly new, the work isnt difficult and so far everyone ive dealt with in there has been extrememly helpful :smiley:
So the pay isnt brilliant but im not really in a position to be fussy about pay :laughing:

i was like u a couple of weeks ago when i started my first class1 job but now nearly 2 weeks into i have slipped right into it n its a great feelin my only issue is the reversing as i have said on a different thread but im finding my feet with it slowly anyway good luck mate hope to hear how u get on :wink:

Good luck with the new job and congratulations on getting it , Just take your time and as has been said check and double check applies to everyone not just class 1

Im sure they will rather answer a dozen questions than fill out an insurance claim :wink:

all the best

Jen x

Thanks for the messages guys.
Really enjoying it so far, absolutley loving been behind the wheel of an artic, and the variety of destinations.

Could i of finally found a job i enjoy… :sunglasses:

Glad it’s going well for you bud :smiley: Where have you been this week?

I should start my job on the 1st of aug :grimacing:

Scott M:
Glad it’s going well for you bud :smiley: Where have you been this week?

I should start my job on the 1st of aug :grimacing:

Been round birmingham today, Bound for Grimsby tomorrow then across to Liverpool.

Where’s your new job mate?


Scott M:
Glad it’s going well for you bud :smiley: Where have you been this week?

I should start my job on the 1st of aug :grimacing:

Been round birmingham today, Bound for Grimsby tomorrow then across to Liverpool.

Where’s your new job mate?

I’m going to drive for my dad