What’s the weirdest stuff you’ve found in your cab when cleaning it out??
I forgot I had theys
What’s the weirdest stuff you’ve found in your cab when cleaning it out??
I forgot I had theys
I went to clean out the door pocket after our day driver and put my hand into a brown paper bag right into his half eaten fried egg roll.
I sent a few ZB’s his way the next day
Ewww egg
Lucky for me I’m the only person drives my yoke I find stuff that I tho iv lost
Can’t top that but found a ten pound note and a few quid in change down the side off my seat today when I was hoovering it out I was well chuffed love it when that happens .
Can’t top that but found a ten pound note and a few quid in change down the side off my seat today when I was hoovering it out I was well chuffed love it when that happens.
kFC dinner then lol
A full size,and very sharp Samurai sword,a rice flail and a couple of knuckledusters in ‘my new lorry’ Previous driver just phoned the boss to say he wasn’t coming back.To be fair,it was nice and clean inside.Bit of a smell of bleach though.
Sir +:
A full size,and very sharp Samurai sword,a rice flail and a couple of knuckledusters in ‘my new lorry’Previous driver just phoned the boss to say he wasn’t coming back.To be fair,it was nice and clean inside.Bit of a smell of bleach though.
Post of the year
Not really weird stuff but first trip in my new/sh motor, i noticed there was no sound out of the overhead drivers side speaker.
Had a bit of time to kill waiting to ship out, so i thought i would investigate and the screws holding the speaker were finger tight and on removal the wires were not connected.
Put my hand in to find the wires and 8 pouches of GV
Motor was a snatchback . . wonder why?
Not in the cab But,
A stainless steel egg whisk wedged into the top of an exhaust stack.
Why ■■
Once found a note in the boss on my old erf steering wheel. It said “nosey ■■■■ er” lol
Once found a note in the boss on my old erf steering wheel. It said “nosey [zb] er” lol
That wasn’t in a Huddersfield registered artic E472 JCX back in the 90’s was it Shoshaye.
3 wheeler:
Not in the cab But,
A stainless steel egg whisk wedged into the top of an exhaust stack.
Why ■■
It might have been to stop the rain getting in?
It was an ec with the rolls in it L reg lol
Some ZB found my sat nav a few years ago.
Not really weird stuff but first trip in my new/sh motor, i noticed there was no sound out of the overhead drivers side speaker.
Had a bit of time to kill waiting to ship out, so i thought i would investigate and the screws holding the speaker were finger tight and on removal the wires were not connected.
Put my hand in to find the wires and 8 pouches of GV
Motor was a snatchback . . wonder why?
It may sound like Ive had a sheltered life but whats GV?
I’m presuming its some sort of medicinal plant?
Edited to add …as i pressed the submit button i had a flash of inspiration (or possibly wind!)
Golden Virginia ■■?
3 wheeler:
Not in the cab But,
A stainless steel egg whisk wedged into the top of an exhaust stack.
Why ■■It might have been to stop the rain getting in?
Some peoples mind dont wander , they obviously leave altogether !
3 wheeler:
3 wheeler:
Not in the cab But,
A stainless steel egg whisk wedged into the top of an exhaust stack.
Why ■■It might have been to stop the rain getting in?
Some peoples mind dont wander , they obviously leave altogether !
It could have been to stop leaves or birds getting in.
I spent a couple of years building recovery gear and fitting it onto motors fresh in from auction. Clearing out the cabs I’ve accumulated a set of spanners, 5 mole grips, about 20 screw drivers, a zippo and a Ronson Comet lighter, a woman’s wig, a red nose, an enviable collection of ■■■■, enough money to buy the weekly box of tea-bags,and enough stale food to keep a flock of Starlings over the workshop on a permanent basis. What I pulled out from down the side of bunks went straight in the bin. I wore the Mac Tools overalls up to a couple of years ago. The charity shops in Thetford got the map books and road atlases, scissors, nail clippers, hand mirrors, hats, gloves and a golf umbrella but I kept the Richard Nixon mask and frightened the life out of my young son with it. OH! and only ever ONE sock! Never a pair. Jim
Oh and Kenny who drove the red Merc 4 wheeler - Your missus is a cracker.