Weight limit

Hi all,
On the 3rd of December I have been seen driving down a 7.5 t weight limit in an 18t rigid, the sign said except for loading which I wasn’t, just got lost, what I want to know is what is the penalty for this most terrible crime?


Where was this transgression? Was there anywhere to turn around before the sign?

You can be taken to court for it fined unless u give good reason. Not sure on points.

Leave the country now, If the anti truck vigilantes get their hands on you they’ll string you up from the nearest lamppost.
Getting Lost! Poor excuse, truck drivers aren’t allowed to get lost. You’d be better off claiming you were visiting a lady/gentleman friend. :wink:

you will be strapped to the [zb]ing stool and publicaly sodomised in marks & spencers window on a busy Saturday afternoon :smiley:

you will be strapped to the [zb]ing stool and publicaly sodomised in marks & spencers window on a busy Saturday afternoon :smiley:

Some people would go through twice just to make sure they got caught for for a ‘punishment’ like that :open_mouth:

No points are involved but a hefty bill could be heading your way IME. I didn’t challenge mine (didn’t even notice the court date so didn’t attend) so was fined, with costs, over £300. You might, with enough valid reasoning, get off it though.

depends if you turned into the road with the weight posts or it was on a road you were traveling on and had no option due to the location of the signage. a bit like going down a country road and halfway down it says unsuitable for long vehicles past this point :open_mouth:

The maximum fine can be upto a £1000 one of our drives got caught in an artic using a 7.5 weight as a cut through and was sent a letter by essex county council after they contacted our firm to confirm who was driving the vehicle on that day and he was fined £1000 which he paid

Did it once meself, and got the boss got a letter about it, i wrote to the local authourity and explained i didn’t see the previous signs as they were just before a roundabout and i was watching for traffic etc, they accepted it and said don’t do it again…

Cost me £330 including costs in Shrewsbury a few years back :smiling_imp:
I wasn’t lost…just chancing it to save 10 minutes…never again :unamused: :unamused: