Weight gain

You need to take up excercise to compliment your stationary skills set :open_mouth: The best excercise is walking. If your tramping park up and go for a walk ( WHEN SAFE TO DO SO ) If your home on a daily basis try and go for a walk either before or after work , its free , its healthy and its good thinking time too.

You need to take up excercise to compliment your stationary skills set :open_mouth: The best excercise is walking. If your tramping park up and go for a walk ( WHEN SAFE TO DO SO ) If your home on a daily basis try and go for a walk either before or after work , its free , its healthy and its good thinking time too.

Any exercise is better than none. On the other hand, walking will use perhaps 250 calories per hour, probably less, which is a pint and a bit of beer or a bag and a half of crisps. You really need to modify your diet as well as exercising more.

what’s a trucker :question:
I am a wagon driver :smiley:
Not obese tho so cant really help :smiley:

What’s a wagon driver :question:
I’m a lorry driver :slight_smile:

Exercise is the best thing for any driver. I laid off the beer, belly went and weight plummeted.