Weekly rests

Sorry for stupid question - managed to confuse myself by altering my normal pattern! I often get confused about which bits of the rules are fixed weeks starting Sunday midnight and which are floating.

My normal pattern: I have full time job 9-5 during week. I occasionally do a short drive within this, never more than these hours though. I know I can drive every other Saturday, by taking (at least) reduced rest on Sunday the first week and catching up the next weekend. I normally don’t have to think too much about this!

Now, current position:
Previous week I didn’t drive/work at weekend at all, full weekly rest taken.
This week I did normal job 9-5 Mon to Fri. Didn’t work Saturday at all.
I worked (travelling to drive and driving) from 12 noon until 8pm yesterday (Sunday). So between Fri night and Sunday noon I have had 43 hours weekly rest.

So did I reason correctly that at that point it was ok to “start again” and drive yesterday afternoon?

Do I now start my calculations for coming week as being maximum of 6 x 24 periods from Sunday noon until next weekly rest? So basically meaning I can’t drive next Sat afternoon, and if I don’t drive at all next weekend I can revert back to my normal pattern?


Sorry for stupid question - managed to confuse myself by altering my normal pattern! I often get confused about which bits of the rules are fixed weeks starting Sunday midnight and which are floating.

My normal pattern: I have full time job 9-5 during week. I occasionally do a short drive within this, never more than these hours though. I know I can drive every other Saturday, by taking (at least) reduced rest on Sunday the first week and catching up the next weekend. I normally don’t have to think too much about this!

Now, current position:
Previous week I didn’t drive/work at weekend at all, full weekly rest taken.
This week I did normal job 9-5 Mon to Fri. Didn’t work Saturday at all.
I worked (travelling to drive and driving) from 12 noon until 8pm yesterday (Sunday). So between Fri night and Sunday noon I have had 43 hours weekly rest.

So did I reason correctly that at that point it was ok to “start again” and drive yesterday afternoon?

Do I now start my calculations for coming week as being maximum of 6 x 24 periods from Sunday noon until next weekly rest? So basically meaning I can’t drive next Sat afternoon, and if I don’t drive at all next weekend I can revert back to my normal pattern?


Next weekly rest must start no later than noon Saturday due to the 144 hour (6 x 24) rule

Pity you did not start at 2pm and not noon as that would have given you 45 off

After a regular 45 you are then free to revert to your usual shifts

PS - not a stupid question
PPS - you have a good grasp of the regs :smiley:

Cheers for confirming. Unfortunately couldn’t start 2 hours later due to train times. Thanks also for encouragement. I suppose eventually it becomes second nature…

It is not a stupid question.It is best to ask then pay a fine at the road sife.For me,the rules are out of date and no good for modern day haulage.12 hours on and 12 off.And ban this driving for nine hours and one minute and because you drive over nine hours ut becomes a ten.