week at work


3 day week this week :laughing: due to the company taking over littlewoods knocking on the head saturday working as of imediately.

so its in the office to swop my tachos from 2 weeks ago and swop my rota that i don’t want in the book for a earlier one (00.00). i get my paperwork and im going to woolwich with only 4 rails on the back of a 40’ trailer :open_mouth:

pick the unit up (which is a scania) :wink: hitch the trailer and off we go up the a511 to junction 22 of the m1 down there to

the m25 split onto the m11 (tryed to get a photo of the overturned van blocking the north bound m11 but the camera takes to long to photo anything) onto the north circ and then the a12 to the blackwall tunnel. i got there at about 10 to 7 and the tidal flow was still in operation.

and then just as i go into the tunnel they lift it :unamused: back out the otherside

first turn off and round the back of sainsburys onto the a206 and turn right at the ferry and first turn left after that and you at the store. we used to do this at 5.30 am but because they turned the office block above the store into flats and now were banned until 7 :imp:

this is the ramp we used to have to pull 1 ton pallets of catalogues up

tipped and had break there. kim the manageress mad us a brew and we had a natter for abit.

then it was off for the collection in leyton via the ferry because i ain’t wasting time trying to get back through the tunnel :frowning:

driving onto ferry.

north side

gets a bit hairy when you see this heading for yer :wink:

tipping sugar at tate and lyle.

so it was off the ferry and back up to the north circ and round to the a112 (i think)into layton and onto argyle road for my collection at a d hope.

i know realise why i got a 40’ trailer iv’e got to pick up 3000 leather jackets

and iv’e got to load the lot myself from top to bottom by lifting them up on the tail lift

why does it always happen on the hot days :unamused: . well that took me 1 1/2 hours to load and to say i was knackered was a understatment :wink: .
so i was back on my way home after that the only hold up i got was the roadworks between jnc 20 and 21 on the m1

back in the yard fulled washed down and debriefed for 15.45

day finished


a nice read , and some good pictures as well, ta.

i know realise why i got a 40’ trailer iv’e got to pick up 3000 leather jackets

and iv’e got to load the lot myself from top to bottom by lifting them up on the tail lift

why does it always happen on the hot days :unamused: .

I remember my days doing that, standing on the upturned grey boxes. Could never quite reach the top bar so I had to put a bar in the middle to stand on. Thankfully I usually had help so whilst I was balanced precariously (spelling? :unamused: ) on the bar in the middle somebody passed me the garments up - I filled the top bar then it was onto the middle, stepping the bars all the way. The bulky ‘Home Shopping’ (suits etc) were the worst when it was a hot day and a very full load. Was a pain in the arse!

Good diary by the way :exclamation: :smiley: