Week 2

So as many of you will know,I wrote last week that I had a very shakey first week. Well this week (week 2) has been a lot better.

No incidents or accidents to report!!

I feel I am learning everyday and by just watching and talking to other drivers I am learning so much.

I had my first RDC experience this week, at Sainsbury’s Bedford, the other drivers in the waiting area told me its one of the worst in the country, It felt as though I was talking in a foreign language to the 2 staff on the drivers reception, I got more of a response when talking to my 3 year old nephew this afternoon.

Also I do have a question or three, regarding Southern Irish lorries:

A) Do all Southern Irish drivers, drive V8 Scanias?

B) Do all Southern Irish lorries have 1000+ lights on them?

C) What speed are their limiters set to? I had at least 8 fly past me this week!!!

So week 2 has been much better, thank you for all you messages of support.
Now I just wanna get my Class 1 ASAP!!

The v8 scania has been the most popular lorry for the irish haulage men since the 70’s, now they have a fair amount of lights on them so ya can see them coming and move over and let them past lol

And from my experience they’re all earning such mega bucks from driving them, that they try and sponge ■■■■ off me when I’m parked up, for sheer entertainment purposes

Every irish man in a v8 scania tries to sponge a ■■■ of you? Jesus arnt you a popular fella, or just stand about smoking to much!

The irish aren’t silly, the v8 scania is a beast!

Ref the lights, Its cos the ordinary headlights are shockingly bad :open_mouth: