Anyone one on here got a dog that they take with in the cab? Are there any certain breeds that ate better at traveling than others? And how hard is it to persuade the boss to let you have one in the cab? And does anyone have one on the tramping?
Miniature Dachsund for me when I go driving.
Anyone one on here got a dog that they take with in the cab? Are there any certain breeds that ate better at traveling than others? And how hard is it to persuade the boss to let you have one in the cab? And does anyone have one on the tramping?
I think it should be illegal unless you have your own vehicle which no one else has access to. I am allergic to dogs and cats my eyes puff up, they start streaming, then I constantly sneezing until I can get some antihistamines which take about 40 mins to work, why should I have to suffer and be put in danger of causing an accident just because some selfish ■■■■■■■■ can’t leave Lassy at home?
Like I said owner driver / given your own motor fine but I or anyone else shouldn’t have to put up with it. Also a dog would stink the cab out.
I’d rather have a chain smoker sat next to me for 15hrs with the windows closed
If it came to having to have a travelling companion I would prefer the dog to certain members of the human race. Eddie.
Big fan of Norwich terriers
0Impossible to loose
He looks a happy wee chap
There’s some miserable gits out there!
Anyone one on here got a dog that they take with in the cab? Are there any certain breeds that ate better at traveling than others? And how hard is it to persuade the boss to let you have one in the cab? And does anyone have one on the tramping?I think it should be illegal unless you have your own vehicle which no one else has access to. I am allergic to dogs and cats my eyes puff up, they start streaming, then I constantly sneezing until I can get some antihistamines which take about 40 mins to work, why should I have to suffer and be put in danger of causing an accident just because some selfish [zb] can’t leave Lassy at home?
Like I said owner driver / given your own motor fine but I or anyone else shouldn’t have to put up with it. Also a dog would stink the cab out.
I’d rather have a chain smoker sat next to me for 15hrs with the windows closed
I have my own cab that no one else uses so wouldn’t be a problem.
She’s an idiot. Currently 14 half blind, deaf and still thinks she’s a puppy
I’d quite like to take mine with me, but she’s a Great Dane and she’d want the biggest bunk!!!
Here’s some from another thread enjoy
There’s a bloke that works for Drummond Distribution that takes his German Shepherd along with him most days. He only drives a little P cab Scania and seems to manage just fine.
I know it`s not quite the same,but I passed a truck in a laybye the other day…the driver was checking his straps,and on his shoulder was a parrot
The last thing I want to share space with when I’m driving any vehicle is an un-tethered animal with its own ability to make decisions and which is also equipped with sharp teeth.
There are all manner of problems a dog can present, from being refused entry to delivery or collection sites to what happens if it becomes ill whilst you’re on the road, never mind that fact that sooner or later one of you will start to smell like the other.
Anyone one on here got a dog that they take with in the cab? Are there any certain breeds that ate better at traveling than others? And how hard is it to persuade the boss to let you have one in the cab? And does anyone have one on the tramping?I think it should be illegal unless you have your own vehicle which no one else has access to. I am allergic to dogs and cats my eyes puff up, they start streaming, then I constantly sneezing until I can get some antihistamines which take about 40 mins to work, why should I have to suffer and be put in danger of causing an accident just because some selfish [zb] can’t leave Lassy at home?
Like I said owner driver / given your own motor fine but I or anyone else shouldn’t have to put up with it. Also a dog would stink the cab out.
I’d rather have a chain smoker sat next to me for 15hrs with the windows closed
always one miserable sod
I know it`s not quite the same,but I passed a truck in a laybye the other day…the driver was checking his straps,and on his shoulder was a parrot
yeah them mobile phone things are realy good
I know it`s not quite the same,but I passed a truck in a laybye the other day…the driver was checking his straps,and on his shoulder was a parrot
yeh, I stopped at Corley one evening to get a coffee, and had one of them double take moments, the Daf truck that pulled up alongside me had a blooming big cage strapped on the passenger seat with an African Grey sat on its perch…
I’ve always wanted a cab-tortoise
Anyone one on here got a dog that they take with in the cab? Are there any certain breeds that ate better at traveling than others? And how hard is it to persuade the boss to let you have one in the cab? And does anyone have one on the tramping?I think it should be illegal unless you have your own vehicle which no one else has access to. I am allergic to dogs and cats my eyes puff up, they start streaming, then I constantly sneezing until I can get some antihistamines which take about 40 mins to work, why should I have to suffer and be put in danger of causing an accident just because some selfish [zb] can’t leave Lassy at home?
Like I said owner driver / given your own motor fine but I or anyone else shouldn’t have to put up with it. Also a dog would stink the cab out.
I’d rather have a chain smoker sat next to me for 15hrs with the windows closed
always one miserable sod
Why is having a medical condition being a “miserable sod”? Do you not think if I could not be allergic to dogs and cats I would choose not to? I would love to have a dog but being allergic makes it totally impractical. If there is no one at home to take the dog out and you have to take it with you then your either in the wrong game or you shouldn’t have a dog I’m sorry but you at work not a petting zoo. Like I said if it’s your motor and no one else uses it then fair enough if it makes you happy, but why should I and others have to be a miserable sod and genuinely suffer■■?