Website Losing its Appeal

does anybody else feel this website is losing its appeal due to all the problems at the moment. there is still a wealth of knowledge and hints and tips on here but do you think its popularity is waning slightly?

i still pop on here but it really winds me up when things dont go right on it. i have noticed traffic in here is a bit slow as well.

is it losing its appeal to everyone or am i turning into a miserable git?

dont think it losing its appeal but it takes ages at times to get on it and even then it can take up to 2 mins to load a page and that is a pain in the but especially when there a good feud going on like the mcburney thread or if rob k is upsetting somebody. :laughing:

dont think it losing its appeal but it takes ages at times to get on it and even then it can take up to 2 mins to load a page and that is a pain in the but especially when there a good feud going on like the mcburney thread or if rob k is upsetting somebody. :laughing:

It’s because there’s too many “I agree” merchants on here nowadays. I said it 12 months back that this site was turning into another all-fluffy & huggy one, like the site run by a certain Skegness resident and this is exactly what it’s become.

Back in the old days :smiley: (2003-2006) you could come on here and have a good heated debate with folks and it would be something to get your teeth into and worth reading. Granted, there might have been a bit of name calling, I’d have earnt myself a couple of new enemies but also gained a couple more “fans” at the same time for telling it like it is, and within a few days it’d all be forgotten about and we’d move on.

Nowadays a lot of the former good poster’s (Lucy, Neil for example) have got sick of the same ■■■■ being posted on here day after day and simply don’t post anymore (including myself to a lesser extent).

You can’t even put an alternative viewpoint across anymore now without the one-hit wonder brigade jumping in calling you all names under the sun because you don’t agree with them and before you know it you’ve got 18 pages of name-calling of how Rob K is a [zb] and another destroyed topic. The exact same thing used to happen on the other huggy site and now it’s happened here.

There’s your answer Giblsa.

Here Here :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing:

does anybody else feel this website is losing its appeal due to all the problems at the moment. there is still a wealth of knowledge and hints and tips on here but do you think its popularity is waning slightly?

i still pop on here but it really winds me up when things dont go right on it. i have noticed traffic in here is a bit slow as well.

is it losing its appeal to everyone or am i turning into a miserable git?

This server is so crap some days that I've made my own arrangements for delivering posts

I thought it was me…yes this site is difficult to get onto some days, and i give up with it, and go to another worldly site.
Rob is right, drivers are indeed their own worst enemy. They moan and moan, and do jack ■■■■■ about it, ive been talking about this for years, and its still the same…watch the fuel protest die out…and see how drivers are slagging off their fellow drivers, especially tanker drivers who want a decent standard of living.
We all want that, the cost of living has exploded, Fuel, Mortgages, Shopping, Clothing, Gas, Electric,Council Tax…and what has the government done…well they have promised not to implement the 2p fuel rise in October…BIG DEAL !!!
They have announced a £10 million aid package to Somalia…BIG DEAL !!!
MPs are ripping us off, MEPs are doing the same only double, It seems the only people who benefits from Blighty, is the poxy Asylum seekers, the unemployed, and immigrants, Well theyre only ripping us off over claiming Child benefit, and sending it home, where the kids are bless em !

Rob K:
You can’t even put an alternative viewpoint across anymore now without the one-hit wonder brigade jumping in calling you all names under the sun because you don’t agree with them and before you know it you’ve got 18 pages of name-calling of how Rob K is a [zb] and another destroyed topic. The exact same thing used to happen on the other huggy site and now it’s happened here.

There’s your answer Giblsa.

And of course you have never tried to destroy a topic by having a swipe at someone? :unamused:


Rob K:
You can’t even put an alternative viewpoint across anymore now without the one-hit wonder brigade jumping in calling you all names under the sun because you don’t agree with them and before you know it you’ve got 18 pages of name-calling of how Rob K is a [zb] and another destroyed topic. The exact same thing used to happen on the other huggy site and now it’s happened here.

There’s your answer Giblsa.

And of course you have never tried to destroy a topic by having a swipe at someone? :unamused:

:laughing: I seem to recall you were the one who laid into me after approximately 5 posts of you being here, calling me an agency driver numpty or some comment along those lines because you didn’t agree with something I wrote. :bulb:

I’ve no problem with that in the slightest as I’ve heard far worse and I can take the heat, but it seems that you can’t, as you continually whinge and complain whenever I sling some of your mud back at you. The fact that you’re an owner driver just makes it a whole lot easier :laughing: :laughing: .

Rob K:


Rob K:
You can’t even put an alternative viewpoint across anymore now without the one-hit wonder brigade jumping in calling you all names under the sun because you don’t agree with them and before you know it you’ve got 18 pages of name-calling of how Rob K is a [zb] and another destroyed topic. The exact same thing used to happen on the other huggy site and now it’s happened here.

There’s your answer Giblsa.

And of course you have never tried to destroy a topic by having a swipe at someone? :unamused:

:laughing: I seem to recall you were the one who laid into me after approximately 5 posts of you being here, calling me an agency driver numpty or some comment along those lines because you didn’t agree with something I wrote. :bulb:

I’ve no problem with that in the slightest as I’ve heard far worse and I can take the heat, but it seems that you can’t, as you continually whinge and complain whenever I sling some of your mud back at you. The fact that you’re an owner driver just makes it a whole lot easier :laughing: :laughing: .

Well rob, just to be sure i’ve just gone thru my first 20 posts. yr wrong. This whole childish spat started between you and i over my curtains. At that moment you made things personal. As for taking the heat? The allegations you made against me were really personal. To be honest i’m tired of yr attention. But hey, you knock yr self out :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Well I disagree. :laughing:

As for the personal remarks about your “operation” I stand by them. It’s one of two cases :

  1. You’re running bent and making a profit
  2. You’re running straight and not making any profit.

So which is it? :laughing: And that’s not just to you, it applies to all owner driver’s in this country that aren’t operating in a specialist market so don’t take it personally :laughing: (although you will do anyway, just because I don’t like your frilly curtains :laughing: ).

:unamused: :laughing: :unamused: :laughing:


This server is so crap some days that I've made my own arrangements for delivering posts

I run a UK hosting company and have PM’d Rikki offering to help out with server issues if he needs it. Hopefully we can sort something out :slight_smile:

I do agree, the site is painfully slow

As it’s on the trucknet’s own server i wouldn’t think they would just hand over all the data and or the website…I personaly find it’s ok at my end,sometimes it is off line for a while but all server’s get this problem,all my site’s have been down tonight for about an hour…Why god knows but they will let me know what thew problem is or was…

sometimes it is off line for a while but all server’s get this problem,all my site’s have been down tonight for about an hour…Why god knows but they will let me know what thew problem is or was…

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: Maybe i need to speak to you as well then LOL :laughing: :laughing:

Nah just trying to do my bit to help turn things around :wink:

Rob K:
Well I disagree. :laughing:

As for the personal remarks about your “operation” I stand by them. It’s one of two cases :

  1. You’re running bent and making a profit
  2. You’re running straight and not making any profit.

So which is it? :laughing: And that’s not just to you, it applies to all owner driver’s in this country that aren’t operating in a specialist market so don’t take it personally :laughing: (although you will do anyway, just because I don’t like your frilly curtains :laughing: ).

:unamused: :laughing: :unamused: :laughing:

Does robk know any thing about road haulage■■?
If IT knows that all us O/D running bent why doesn`t IT go to VOSA and tell them■■?


Rob K:
Well I disagree. :laughing:

As for the personal remarks about your “operation” I stand by them. It’s one of two cases :

  1. You’re running bent and making a profit
  2. You’re running straight and not making any profit.

So which is it? :laughing: And that’s not just to you, it applies to all owner driver’s in this country that aren’t operating in a specialist market so don’t take it personally :laughing: (although you will do anyway, just because I don’t like your frilly curtains :laughing: ).

:unamused: :laughing: :unamused: :laughing:

Does robk know any thing about road haulage■■?
If IT knows that all us O/D running bent why doesn`t IT go to VOSA and tell them■■?

