Webbers last fire up

Any motorsports fans should have a look at this on Youtube , F1 without the limiter :laughing: .Done some daft things in my time but could never imagine strapping myself into that beast for two hours and surviving .Kudos to them all .

Any link ?

Do you mean this.

Apparently the teams were all supposed to thrashing their V8 until they blew up after the race on Sunday. It was to mark the end of the V8 era. Does anyone have a link for this? I’ve tried but can’t find anything. Would be good to see.

I’ve read that Renault were going to destroy their engines in Brazil after the race,but it had
‘unconfirmed’ as a footnote.How,though? Crush them,run them at a fast idle(6000rpm :smiley: ?) with minimum oil/coolant or just dump them without any electronics ■■ Sad end for a magnificent piece of engineering.

I watched that video seen the pipes glowing red hot lol , I’ve never been to an f1 race yet but you can tell how loud they are , never mind the old v12 v10s lol