We need some help

My colleagues and I need some help! We work for a progressive Bulk haulage company, based in the midlands, which is currently in an expansive phase. The help we need is in the form of drivers, who can compliment the existing family, and help us to deliver my bosses plans for the business. We have had difficulty in getting drivers who are competent in driving and navigating, and who want to do an honest days work for an honest days pay. It also helps if you can get up in the morning - any hour will do! The job is not difficult. The rewards - for the area are good, and the chance to drive over into Europe is available. The kit is all up together and is getting better.

So, can you help?

Where about in the midlands are you


But you must like Pink ?

Pink? good guess…

Ok you’ve given us the spiel now what about some details that matter?

Ok you’ve given us the spiel now what about some details that matter?

Desperate for drivers, not the best firm to work for then are they :smiley:


Ok you’ve given us the spiel now what about some details that matter?

Desperate for drivers, not the best firm to work for then are they :smiley:

You fink?? :grimacing:

So that’ll be working out of Southam then

So that’ll be working out of Southam then

No, not Southam…

And that’s all I’m saying on the subject…

I would say the op’s post is a thin disguise at a job advert and should be on the relevant section within the forum.


I would say " silence is golden…/ " :slight_smile:

Sounds like the same old problem
Easy to get a bloke with a license, not easy to find a proper truck driver.


Sounds like the same old problem
Easy to get a bloke with a license, not easy to find a proper truck driver.


There’s loads of proper truckers, it’s trying to get them to work for £6.19 that’s the problem :laughing:

That’s not a dig at the OP btw, just a generalisation.


Sounds like the same old problem
Easy to get a bloke with a license, not easy to find a proper truck driver.


There’s loads of proper truckers, it’s trying to get them to work for £6.19 that’s the problem :laughing:

That’s not a dig at the OP btw, just a generalisation.

Happens other end of the scale, got asked if I was interested in a lowloader job in London at £16hr today, company cant get a driver for it. The money is probably that but I’m sure there are other reasons why it’s not going.

My colleagues and I need some help! We work for a progressive Bulk haulage company, based in the midlands, which is currently in an expansive phase. The help we need is in the form of drivers, who can compliment the existing family, and help us to deliver my bosses plans for the business. We have had difficulty in getting drivers who are competent in driving and navigating, and who want to do an honest days work for an honest days pay. It also helps if you can get up in the morning - any hour will do! The job is not difficult. The rewards - for the area are good, and the chance to drive over into Europe is available. The kit is all up together and is getting better.

So, can you help?[/quot

Have you tried Ghostbusters or The ‘A’ Team.

Call me old fashioned but I try to get a fair weeks wage for a fair days work.

For those of you that have answered, thanks. In reference to any questions, we had a couple of guys leave recently, and its the replacements for those which is why I have written the post. We had a guy lined up for one truck… Never turned up. We had another who over 3 weeks, managed 6 loads week 1, 8 week 2 and six last week, which was in part down to his inability to get up - such an extent that on Friday, he had to be woken up personally by one of the TM’s, in whose area he was in - after 3 hours!
And before the question gets asked, of the 2x guys who originally left, one has set up in business with a mate with 2x units on curtainside work, whilst the other has a job starting in October… IN FRANCE!
As I also put in my post, its an expansive company, and as the company is placing ADDITIONAL vehicles on the road next month to cope with an increased workload, we need drivers for those too.
It would appear that the high standard of the core family of truck drivers has been diluted by Steering wheel attendants et al.

I’ll have it if you can let me bring the lorry home as I don’t want to drive to Worchester every Monday :slight_smile:

Well,that’s a well written post although the first few lines sound like management speak to me sooooo…as a driver yourself Lightning and bearing in mind you are talking to drivers here,what does the job entail and what hours and what pay etc.
You know the kind of thing we want to know.


I love these kind of posts, all talk and no detail. :wink: