We need more rights

My missus has been seriously ill this week, hospital for 3 days and almost died, I had to deliver to B& J and come home fast, it has cost a fortune on top of the copay and insurance contribution … those of you back in Britain don’t ever complain about the wonderfull NHS again. Besides this I had to have weds, thurs and fri off to be with her, I will get personal days for 2 of them and have had to take this comming week off to be with her. In order to do this I have to cancel our holiday in Maine this summer and move my holiday pay to next week.
You have things so good in the UK, don’t ever complain about life being hard there. If you are considering moving over here you need to look at things properly before doing so.

Look after her pat … take care…

stop ■■■■■■■■ you overpaid wheel attendant :slight_smile:
just joking mate.
at least you will be able to tend her needs rather than worrying about it when you a few miles away.
hope she recovers well and then pays you back big time for the love and devotion you have shown.
must be at the very least a beer and barbie weekend with all your mates (give me chance to book a flight) whilst she does all the food prep and leaves the important jobs like beer ordering/steak burning to you.
get well soon mrs :slight_smile: hasler

i know what youre saying there Pat

Truck was in the shops for a week so wheels not turning I’m not earning, the holiday money I had been saving up I had to draw on to cover bills

i know what youre saying there Pat

Truck was in the shops for a week so wheels not turning I’m not earning, the holiday money I had been saving up I had to draw on to cover bills

Hi Taffy

so, when your truck is in the workshop, there is no other one that you could use?
doesn’t sound very appealing to be honest.
it looks like truck drivers (employees) take all the risks in Canada.
truck in the workshop - truck driver loses
bad route planning, driver waiting for a next load after unloading, again driver loses as he is not getting paid for waiting somewhere far away from home, sleeping in his tin hut on wheels

I will say one thing about my company, if the truck is being worked on I am paid by the hour 14 hours a day, but they do their best to get us in a spare truck if it’s gonna be more than a day or two and they will put us in hotels if we are far from home.


i know what youre saying there Pat

Truck was in the shops for a week so wheels not turning I’m not earning, the holiday money I had been saving up I had to draw on to cover bills

Hi Taffy

so, when your truck is in the workshop, there is no other one that you could use?
doesn’t sound very appealing to be honest.
it looks like truck drivers (employees) take all the risks in Canada.
truck in the workshop - truck driver loses
bad route planning, driver waiting for a next load after unloading, again driver loses as he is not getting paid for waiting somewhere far away from home, sleeping in his tin hut on wheels

Nope no other truck was around for me to use so its a case of ■■■■ it up. My load today put on a wrong trailer so got to be transhipped so I wont make the drop off time, next time they can get is Weds night 21:30 its only 730 miles away so I’ll be parked up Weds for best part of the day waiting to tip then have to wait till the morning for a relaod!!! lost hell of a lot of miles from stupid stuff like that

In all fairness though I norm get about 3k miles a week which isnt to bad all though the same as any company large or small there are things that could do with being looked at

Similarly to Pat , my piece of garbage has been in for a service today , they got it into the shop at 4.30pm :unamused: , but I’ll be on an hourly rate until it’s ready so no complaints . Not quite as good as when I’m rolling but have had a few good shifts recently , plus I can spend the time prepping summer toys on the clock :smiley: .

flat to the mat:
Similarly to Pat , my piece of garbage has been in for a service today , they got it into the shop at 4.30pm :unamused: , but I’ll be on an hourly rate until it’s ready so no complaints . Not quite as good as when I’m rolling but have had a few good shifts recently , plus I can spend the time prepping summer toys on the clock :smiley: .

Dam I`m with the wrong crowd lol


flat to the mat:
Dam I`m with the wrong crowd lol

Yep, you sure are:shock:

I live in Australia now and it’s defiantly a case of if you don’t pay you don’t have.
When I was in the UK I always complained about the amount of tax I payed, here the tax base rate is pretty low, but as no one is paying in there aren’t many amenities.
I live in a small community with a population of 1100, there are about 15k’s of roads, 3k’s of which are sealed, there are 4 street lights, mainly round the community hall, and there’s a local park which doubles as everything from sports ground to wedding area. The land was donated by local farmer that won a bit in the lotto, and the area council chip in a bit each year to help maintain it. There isn’t any mains water, but most including us have our own supply from the river, so we all have tanks, pumps and filtration, no sewage either but we have septic, again it’s up to us to sort it all out, and it has to comply to local laws, which are strict but fair.
A trip to the doctors costs $79, blood work is between $112 and $340 depending on how many tests, x rays are anything from $90 up wards. A dentist is is $170 for a check up, more if you require something else. My wife went for a 15 minute check up last year and came out with a $6000 bill, 3 crowns @ $1800 each and x rays to go with them. And he wanted to be payed up front for each one, we did it over 12 months, so there wasn’t any holiday that year.
There are always stories in the paper about some family that have to sell their house and a member has got ill and needs long term hospital treatment.
Yes we can get medical insurance but it’s about $1200 a year for a family of 4 and it only covers the basics, it goes up very quick if you start adding things, and you’re not covered for the first 3 months for serious things like radiation treatment, or dialysis.
If you are under the means test ( abject poverty ) most of the services are free, but the waiting list can be very long, up to a 2 weeks to see a doctor, 2 years for a vasectomy, 4 years for a hip, cancer treatment can be 9 months depending on where you are. So there’s a good chance your going to die before you get treatment.

If I got seriously ill I would consider heading back to the UK.


I see on facebook hit and runs new team duo hit the highway today!!!

I see on facebook hit and runs new team duo hit the highway today!!!

California bound, so I hear. I shall sit back and watch with interest, I have a feeling things may not go as smooth as they think, especially in a few months when the snow starts to fly…if they last that long :blush:


I see on facebook hit and runs new team duo hit the highway today!!!

California bound, so I hear. I shall sit back and watch with interest, I have a feeling things may not go as smooth as they think, especially in a few months when the snow starts to fly…if they last that long :blush:

Who are you talking about? New recruits from the UK?



I see on facebook hit and runs new team duo hit the highway today!!!

California bound, so I hear. I shall sit back and watch with interest, I have a feeling things may not go as smooth as they think, especially in a few months when the snow starts to fly…if they last that long :blush:

Who are you talking about? New recruits from the UK?

Not new, a couple who couldn’t cut it running single. One was a complete donkey, he’d been about a bit before coming over, but thought he was better than everyone else, he got sacked from his first job as he wasn’t as good as he thought he was :unamused: The other one has a bit of a crush on supertrucker and has been manipulated into leaving his job so thay can run team together :unamused:

Got disaster written all over it although hopefully it will put the ginger prince on the right track. Hes a nice enough kid just very niave

Got disaster written all over it although hopefully it will put the ginger prince on the right track. Hes a nice enough kid just very niave

I used to think that, but it appears that is not the case :unamused: they shall reap what they shall sew :imp:

Obviously I’ve never met these two before but from experience from those that I’ve known on this side of the country, those that think they know it all the minute they step foot off the plane always end up back in the UK within six months, often much earlier than that.

Many take that step across thinking of the great life they will have and never considering what they are getting into :frowning:


I see on facebook hit and runs new team duo hit the highway today!!!

California bound, so I hear. I shall sit back and watch with interest, I have a feeling things may not go as smooth as they think, especially in a few months when the snow starts to fly…if they last that long :blush:

I was speakng to them this week and they told me flying eagle took 10 trucks off the road so they took the first company with an LMO. Its not an easy run that its none stop, they may get to spend one night where the truck not rolling and that would be down in Ripon before unloading at 05:30 the next day