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I notice from todays paper, that someone loves us, and are wanting us to take a first aid course to help accident victims. This is because truckers are normally the first on the scene, this has the backing of all of the emergency services, incl the police. I cant see them training all truckers in the art of first aid, and the plan is to give first aid, until the ambulance arrives, no doubt, it will be a paid course, and will become compulsory in the future. I think its a good idea to have basic training in resuscitation, but think more harm than good could happen ( leave it to the professionals i say )
and with a 44 tonner parked in the middle lane whilst giving CPR, could cause other problems. Your comments please.


I notice from todays paper, that someone loves us, and are wanting us to take a first aid course to help accident victims. This is because truckers are normally the first on the scene, this has the backing of all of the emergency services, incl the police. I cant see them training all truckers in the art of first aid, and the plan is to give first aid, until the ambulance arrives, no doubt, it will be a paid course, and will become compulsory in the future. I think its a good idea to have basic training in resuscitation, but think more harm than good could happen ( leave it to the professionals i say )
and with a 44 tonner parked in the middle lane whilst giving CPR, could cause other problems. Your comments please.

Good idea, he can give first aid to the victims in the car he has just rear ended!

If I was first on scene I would find it incredibly hard to not help. I would much rather have the training to make a difference than to just sit there like a plum holding their hand whilst they die ‘waiting for the professionals’.

A 44 tonner parked in the middle lane? Use it to block the view.

I think it’s a good idea, it should be affordable and encouraged.

Don’t know where I stand on this as yes some good could come of it however some of us could be tempted to do more than we should and do more harm than good. Yes learn how to do CPR to a person who isn’t breathing but stuff like problem limbs etc should be left to the professionals. Imagine if you we’re first on the scene and you moved a person to make them more comfortable but you didn’t realise they had a broken neck/back and shouldn’t be moved without a backboard and neck brace and then either paralysed them or worse? :confused:

^^^ broken limbs not problem! :unamused:

Imagine if you we’re first on the scene and you moved a person to make them more comfortable but you didn’t realise they had a broken neck/back and shouldn’t be moved without a backboard and neck brace and then either paralysed them or worse? :confused:

The more people who went on a first aid course the more people would know not to do this.
The aim of it is the keep them alive until the ambulance arrives which is going to involve keeping the airway open / keeping oxygen going to the brain and stopping them bleeding to death. I really think you’d struggle to do accidental harm.

I just checked out Rikkis link…could be the best £95 I ever spend…

Its definateley not a bad idea, I will be incorporating first aid into my dCPC but why not spend that 35 hours learning more advanced first aid and perhaps we could get a sticker for the cab showing we are qualified to assist.

Sure would be good for the drivers public image and I would rather do 35 hours in the class room learning how to potentially save a life than being taught about tachos.

Perhaps a campaign of some sort is in order.

I don’t expect to have to reset broken limbs or perform roadside surgery but knowing what to do in those critical minutes while waiting for an ambulance and the general public being aware that a trucker with the neccesary training will take control could be life saving.

I just checked out Rikkis link…could be the best £95 I ever spend…

Me too. A few months ago they were trying to get it approved for DCPC so I was uncertain but now I’m going to book a course.

I’ve wanted to do a First Aid course for a while and I need my 7 hours for this year so it seems perfect.

In NZ and OZ there is a requirement for ALL Sparkies (and plumbers ?) to do a CPR course yearly, if you dont they take your licence to work away, its a great idea for site workers and I can vouch that it certainly helps in an emergency.

So why not make it a requirement ? , In the last 35 yrs I have used my skills twice in earnest in life threatening accidents admittedly once was a failure, but the second wasn’t, and I can promise giving mouth to mouth to a biker with a beard did not come high on my list of things I wanted to do, but I would like to think it that was me in that situation someone would have enough knowledge to keep me alive.

Just perhaps one day you will need help, So just hope there is someone around with a bit of basic training.

Just seen the link and will definately be my first course.

well… they do discounts for block bookings, so I wonder if “we” could get some sort of discounts in place for Trucknetuk members ■■

Basic First Aid is part of the ADR course syllabus, it is very basic (CPR, recovery position, bleeding, skin contact with chemicals etc.) but it does give an insight.

Sure an e-mail to the DFA website owners with the offer of a bit of reciprical linking could get a potential discount for TNUK members.

You know some people talk bollox about leaving it to the professionals, one night 20 years ago sat in cotesgate café on the A74 a lad ran in asking for help because his mate had collapsed outside and none of us moved an inch, then he came in again begging for help so I got up and went out, now I knew nothing but figured anything is better than nothing, I knew I had to make sure his airway was clear, so made sure his tongue was where it should be and I rolled him on to his side, did I help?? duck knows but at least I tried. At the end of the day ask yourself do you want to die alone, if all you achieve is holding there hand and talking to them then you have done your best.

Its definateley not a bad idea, I will be incorporating first aid into my dCPC but why not spend that 35 hours learning more advanced first aid and perhaps we could get a sticker for the cab showing we are qualified to assist.

Sure would be good for the drivers public image and I would rather do 35 hours in the class room learning how to potentially save a life than being taught about tachos.

Perhaps a campaign of some sort is in order.

I don’t expect to have to reset broken limbs or perform roadside surgery but knowing what to do in those critical minutes while waiting for an ambulance and the general public being aware that a trucker with the neccesary training will take control could be life saving.

For a little while,and only to the people who are there. Do your good deed and carry on,at the next roundabout you will be the ■■■■■■ with a truck :frowning:

All this about, O I don’t mind paying for a first aid course if it helps someone, is that on top of your cpc.

omg we complain about paying for the cpc and it’s a waste of time, which it is a total waste of driver’s time they bring you in for one hour every year and fill you full of crap that you already know.

You spend the day arguing or debating with the trainer and he knows not a lot about your job, him and his book is telling me how many hours I can work , for god sake tell that to the people who give out the work, its them who should be on the course.

Would it not be better to have one of the yearly courses of the cpc in first aid only where you would be getting something for your money and be able to help someone?

Do we not have enough fences to jump?

Ive suggested this at every CPC corse ive done, instructors just shurg thier shoulders.
I’m a bus driver and think its a brilliant idea to have first aid training.

Joggers and dog walkers always find the dead bodies.
Should we take up running with a labrador?