for me its no contest… haven lived in and driven the Seddon Atkinson 301/ 401 and 411 , I can honestly say if I never get back in one it will be too soon, I detest them with a passion, the engine and gearbox are fine, but to drive and live in they were a nightmare, I gave up after two weeks a brand new 411 - and begged for my 10 year old B series ERF back, it was that bad, what truck have you had , and just said NO?
ERF B series,Gardner 180 DB box 2 speed axle and a hopeless heater.had to take my SA 400 up to Dewsbury and swap it for the dreadful ERF begged for my 400 back…to no avail
Was given an E reg erf for a week, decided to take a weeks holiday after a day in it.
Also had a job going down to Southern Germany in an M reg Magnum, around 4 yrs old at the time, absolute crap.
Isn’t it funny how different we all are, i’d give me eye teeth for a Sed Ack 401 again with a proper 14 litre ■■■■■■■ Fuller Rockwell drive train.
I detest these automanual boxes more than anything in anything, and ZF’s version of gearbox hell takes the biscuit for sheer bloody awful with not one single redeeming feature at all i can think of whatever chassis it happens to be in.
These boxes have taken away so much of the skill and driver pride that could be taken driving all the varied gearbox configurations of yor competently, reduced to attending a steering wheel after a lifetime behind the wheel…
Not really keen on synchro manuals, give me proper constant mesh any day or an Eaton twin split for an enjoyable drive.
To be fair Volvo’s box is good at what it does, streets ahead of the rest, but still rather drive a lorry mesen.
Old lorries i hated include DAF 2300 (gutless heap), Volvo F7 and FL7 (Jesus wept) and F10 (nearly as gutless), and anything fitted with a Gardner 180 slug power engine.
Cant say there was a truck I actualy hated just some worse than others , but one that sticks in my mind was a Guy Invicible unit with a 150 Gardner ( known by all the drivers as The Iron Lung ) Air Cleaner mounted by you left earhole , accelerator pedal the size of a £2 coin that drilled its way into your boot, Dash board that shook and moved about so much you couldnt read any of the gauge,s , the smoke and fumes that filled the cab ( i sometimes wondered if the exhaust pipe didnt come out in the cab and not outside ) no power steering and a brake pedal that felt as if you were standing on a grape/ sponge . Heater ■■? the only way you got warm in winter was if you pi…ed/ sh.t yourself ( due to the brakes ) and air conditioning provided by the holes around the pedals and gearlever , however on the bright side you was always warm in summer as the Gardner Exhaust mounted by your left leg heated the engine cover to melting point taking the skin off any flesh that was unlucky enough to touch it. Coupled with that in rain /sleet/ snow the windows got so dirty you couldnt see out, ( actualy that was an advantage as you didnt get depressed watching pedestrians / cyclists rushing past you ) and you had something that certainly made you appreciate anything else you might ever drive.
I haven’t hated any really,my least favourite was a erf 10 lt with awful 4 over 4.Was terrible up the cat and fiddle and even worse racing from the lights in Stockport. I wish every lorry I’ve driven had a twin splitter.
I’d say Renault G290,Volvo F7,Leyland Marathon and Merc 2534 in that order.Although unfortunately I didn’t have the luxury of being able to say no.
While the AEC Matador deserved full marks for ‘character’ in the 1980’s.
In that company it beats me how an SA 400 + series could be anything other than in the top league of the Rolls Royce of trucks by the standards of its day or even mid 1990’s.If only I’d been lucky enough to have driven one especially on the type of international work I’d have liked to be driving it on.
Yep and cf a close 2nd,for older stuff id a drove owt really ,cab happy and eager
Just thought of 2 horrid things i drove,in the 90s i had a spell with the green plague they had some ford cargo 38 ton sleeper cabs and some strato 38ton day cabs ,both were shocking motors
Mercedes Atego 6wheeler. The engine was gutless (280 allegedly), the straight 8 gearbox/slap across gearbox was crap. I had it as a demonstrator to compare it with my then new Foden Alpha. There was no comparison, I was meant to have it two days but it I took it back within hours.
I actually liked an Axor 8wheeler demonstrator that I tried a few years later though.
Worst I ever had was a T plate iveco eurotech that was only four years old when I got it.
Hardly a week went by without a breakdown,fuses and bulbs used to blow almost daily and every time I shut the door I though somthing would fall off the truck.
2nd worst had to be the MAN tga the one I had shook itself to death after about 3 years.
I hated both motors…
Give me a volvo any day .
But … we all have trucks we have driven we hate…
for me its no contest… haven lived in and driven the Seddon Atkinson 301/ 401 and 411 , I can honestly say if I never get back in one it will be too soon, I detest them with a passion, the engine and gearbox are fine, but to drive and live in they were a nightmare, I gave up after two weeks a brand new 411 - and begged for my 10 year old B series ERF back, it was that bad, what truck have you had , and just said NO?
I worked for a farmer with a mixed fleet of trucks when I were a lad, I had the misfortune of a 401 8 wheeler D989 FHU I swear to this day I dislocated my thumb on a pothole, he ran a couple of cat powered Fodens which were like magic carpets in comparison, a 1625 merc on bulk tipper work AAAAAAHHHHHHH.
never really hated a truck as such, disliked anythign with a small cab if nighting out. wasnt a fan of the wendy house little scania 112s we had at asda, and until i got used to it dreaded my iveco turbostar with twin split gearbox (the amount of times i blocked junctions as missed a gear when i 1st got it was scary!).
Merc 1820 - turning circle of a large oil tanker
Anything used by the British army with ‘Bedford’ on the front
Mk1 Merc Axor - don’t really need to expand on this one
Mk 1 Magnum - needed an arm like Schwarzenegger to change gear