Waze app

Anyone use this app, what do you think of it

I use it. Have been. I thinks its brill. The only downside it eats up a lot of battery, very quick. So charger needs to be at least 2.1 amp. At least on my s4.

I use it all the time. Granted only in a car and yes it uses it loads of battery but it’s more up to date than any other app I’ve used!

Had a look last night, sorry for sounding daft, but, What does it do that the ■■■ nav doesn’t?

Had a look last night, sorry for sounding daft, but, What does it do that the [zb] nav doesn’t?

It’s community driven and users flag up problems and comment on them in real time.
You can contact other drivers as and when you see them on the road ahead of you to ask what the state of the road is etc.

Great app but power mad.

The idea behind it, as said above, is that it’s run as a type of motoring community, those that sign up to it, it’s free btw, can input any problems they come across on the roads which are then flagged up, and detours offered, for the community. I’ve used it of a while and find it excellent.

It’s amazing just how many other users icons you see dotted around you at times, pretty large user base.

I think there is a slight delay on GPS for users safety though, just so that some nutter can’t start stalking you :stuck_out_tongue:

I uses Google maps for live traffic updates. But the good guy’s at the big G clearly tap into Waze because every update appears to be added by Waze App.

It’s bloody marvelous. Has probably saved me a something like a working week not sitting in traffic around London over the course of a year.

Google actually owns Waze - they bought it a year or so back. That’s why the Waze crowdsourced traffic incidents feed back into Google maps.

I imagine it is okay for car use, but how does it route HGVs with so many height and weight restrictions around? I would have thought a dedicated truck satnav might be a more sensible bet, with Google maps for traffic.

I have a snooper to plan the routes then check them on Google maps for traffic

I must be doing something wrong. I’ve tried it on a few occasions through the late evening and night time and there’s no more than half a dozen people showing on the map, even when selecting a region. It also looks like a kid has designed it by all the silly icons. Not for me.