Way to go

You may remember the fatal accident on the Air Balloon hill on November 4th (the first of two that day) A Fiesta coming down the hill collided with an artic going up the hill killing the Fiesta driver, Brian Burnham.

Brian, or Chuffer to those who knew him, was also a lorry driver and has driven a skip loader for local firm Smiths for many years. Chuffer by all accounts was a bit of a ‘character’ and his final send off reflected this. His funeral was reported in the local paper and is well worth reading.


Nobody wants to go but if you’ve got to go what better way than this.

RIP Chuffer, you had the last laugh. :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

What a phrase to go out with. That made me laugh.

RIP fella, safe journey on that highway in the sky.


■■■■■■■■! RIP.

that’ll be a first…a skip truck not losing half it’s load en route… :wink:

Way to Go. :sunglasses:

RIP Fella !

I was diverted due to that crash (we were running soil into Gloucester Academy). By strange twist it was a Smiths 'dozer working there. Whatever caused that crash if it’d happened a bit little bit further down then this thread may not exist.
On my second load I diverted down the Fosse Way at Northleach, and heard it had been cleared, then found the A419 closed because of the second fatal crash.
A black day for that region.

I have to Say a tragic loss! But if it was my last words to utter such, Id have done the same… RIP

I have to Say a tragic loss! But if it was my last words to utter such, Id have done the same… RIP

Showed my Mrs the picture, she agreed “■■■■■■■■” was a good choice of word. “■■■■ it” probably would be more likely spoken but I doubt the vicar would approve.

nice to be remembered in such a funny way,did not know this guy but R I P anyway