[Well… After almost 2 months, 30 CVs, hundreds of emails, knocking on doors, dozens of phone calls, its finally time to wave the white flag and admit defeat for me.
After passing Class 2 in December and being all ready to start a new dream career, all the above resulted in three (yes 3 replies). Which in turn, resulted in nada.
I sincerely hope all you other new passes and passes-to-be have better results and not made to feel like all the hard work, immense expense, time, stress, test after test and waiting counts for nothing and doesn’t even warrant a ‘thanks but no thanks’ in 99.99% of cases.
But, alas, courtesy and a little recognition and respect for your efforts aren’t part of a TMs CPC.
Now time and funds have run out but the bills still keep coming so its back to van driving for me with a very expensive but useless entitlement on my licence.
I sincerely hope every single one of you do better and get the respect and time you deserve for what you have all worked hard for.
I passed in Nov, signed on with agency and been with same employer now since end November on a rolling shift. Not really what I wanted and it wont last forever but it’s money coming in and I’m gaining experience.
Hi Dave. Yep, even got to a point that I was willing to go down the agency route which was scary having a mortgage, kids and car payments to make but I bit the bullet and contacted 7 local agencies. I explained my circumstances and that I would need 40 hours per week or just couldn’t take the risk. One replied and said they couldn’t guarantee the hours at this time of year which is fair enough and was happy that the took the time to reply. There other 6 didn’t bother.
I have Pete. They were one of the 3 that did reply. It wasn’t a no as such but things are a little slow for them at the minute being just after Xmas and said to try again at a later date. Unfortunately the funds wont stretch till then. But kudos where its due, they replied and seemed a good, polite outfit.
have you tried all the food service places like 3663 and palmer harvey, they always need drivers as no one sticks at the job, same as aspray24. Not the best jobs but 3663 ok money just do it for a bit to get experience.
Agencies can usually muster up 40 hours a week. Probably won’t be with the same company, but spread amongst various different spots.
Brakes are ALWAYS recruiting, how far is the nearest depot from you? £28,000 a year they pay, AND, they have some kind of “special” insurance, that is there for new drivers. Perhaps look them up online, and if you’re not too far away, drop them an email.
Don’t give up man. I’ve been on agency since I passed in August of last year, not had regular work from them which is odd compared to what everyone is telling me so I jacked that in and went looking for a full time job. I put two applications, one into Quayside in Grimsby and the other into DFDS in Immingham. Quayside said they had nothing on at the moment but DFDS is giving me a trial run this week, they will make a decision next week based on what the drivers I’m driving with say. I’ve been driving HGV’s for less than 6 months, most of that 7.5t and I’m only 24.
keep trying taylors.
give em a bell on friday…and tell them you`re available for part time work over the weekend.
they do alot of weekend night work on newspapers…and sometimes they will be given a load of extra runs at short notice.
ask for pete wilson or alan taylor.
I can’t believe Taylors wouldn’t offer you even a trial?! It was only last month that I was begged by an agency to go and do a week there. They told me they had already sent 6 drivers the previous week!
Thanks to you all, a little encouragement when you feel flat on your backside goes a long way!
Anyway, as fate would have it, earlier this afternoon I was about to pick up the phone and eat humble pie with my old boss and ask to go back and the phone rings… Its a haulage company that asks me to go in tomorrow and talk about a job so everything’s crossed. No mention of hourly rate and hours at the minute but I’ll let you all know tomorrow.
Thanks again everyone, you’ve all been a real help.
Chilly77, don’t lose heart mate, hope all goes well tomorrow.
It can take time, but after you’ve invested so much already, it would be worth persisting something will come your way in time. This time off year is notoriously quiet in the transport sector, but once Febuary is done things normaly pickup