Wavebox microwave

Hi guys

just been looking on internet for microwave’s and found this just wondered if anyone had one or knew if they were any good, and weather they actually worked ok form the 12v supply?



Depends what you mean by 12 volt supply? If you mean the 12 volt socket in the cab then it won’t work as the socket will not be rated high enough. Looking at the spec. sheet it says it requires 240 watts input power so dived that by 12 volts and the socket will need to be at least 20 amps. Most accessory sockets are 10 amps at best.

Also the spec sheet says that when connected to the mains or directly to a battery you get 425 watts of cooking power but through a 20 amp socket you will only get 110 Watts, that will take ages to cook anything, around 7 or 8 times as long as the average domestic microwave.

You would be better of going for a 24 volt microwave wired directly to the battery which will be better for the batteries and will cook/heat stuff quicker. I had one that had 500 watts of output and I could use it for in excess of 60 minutes total heating time, with the engine off, without affecting the batteries.

ok cool. What other microwaves are there about, seen a few 24 vault ones in a few truckstops, i think oneo f them was an all ride one, would that be any good?

Probably, but whatever way you decide to go it will require direct connection to the batteries.

I’ve got a all ride microwave. I keep it in the side locker and plug it into the power source for the tail lift, it works brilliantly, I just add a few mins to the recomended cooking times

Mr B:
I’ve got a all ride microwave. I keep it in the side locker and plug it into the power source for the tail lift, it works brilliantly, I just add a few mins to the recomended cooking times

isame here. got a samsung in here, if it says 3 mins stir, 3 mins, i do 4mins, stir, 4 mins. seems too be fine.

Sit tight, with this recession there`ll be a lot of truckers kit coming onto ebay in the coming months. When they start flogging off there excess stuff


Mr B:
I’ve got a all ride microwave. I keep it in the side locker and plug it into the power source for the tail lift, it works brilliantly, I just add a few mins to the recomended cooking times

isame here. got a samsung in here, if it says 3 mins stir, 3 mins, i do 4mins, stir, 4 mins. seems too be fine.

my middlename must be samsung.

the boss gave me a job. 2 hours there , 1 hour to tip and 2 hours back.

i took 3 hours there, 2 to tip and 3 back, plus a break. :sunglasses: