Waterproof jackets

No, it is just because they are greedy & sit on their arse all day, well that describes me anyway. 36 inches at age 37, not too bad though, I keep meaning to hit the gym.



But note that they only do an elastic waist up to 36 inch.

That probably means they’re useless to 90% of drivers

I don’t know how some Drivers get behind the wheel. I’m serious.

I feel sorry for them, it must be their glands.

Over active fat gland?

A garment to wear when it rains ,how novel .Being from Newcastle we have no need for such garments we just don our flat cap to keep the ciggie dry and dip the cloggs in creosote

A hi viz bomber jacket for when its cold and wet. For when its just a shower I have a goretex paclite from walking shops. Dries in no time.

If you can afford it have a look at paramo. Super light but totally waterproof. Very expensive though.

As my current employer won’t supply one, we do get a fleece though, I tend to stay in the cab as long as possible, then get wet. Luckily I’m not soluble & i dry out eventually.

My Mrs and I do voluntary work for UK-GSR and I am getting the bomber style jacket from our rescue as the money goes to the rescue.
:smiley: :smiley:
shop.ukgermanshepherdrescue.co.u … jacket.htm

I get a good quality waterproof hi vi jacket and advertise the rescue as well :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


But note that they only do an elastic waist up to 36 inch.

That probably means they’re useless to 90% of drivers

The fact that they only go up to a 31" leg length should rule out the other 10% too :slight_smile: