Watch where your going drive … A-k.mailto

Getting a bit giddy with the steering wheel :imp:

Considering he’s ruined someones life and could have quite easily killed him, the scentence was not harsh enough.
Day after day you can see trucks weaving across into the hard shoulder because the driver is sleepy or not concerntrating.

^ +1

Speechless :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

What annoys me is that if it wasn’t for the following driver taking down his registration no he would have got away with it.
What’s the point of all the CCTV on our mway when apparantly they are next to usless in apprehending fools like this. :unamused:
Yet when CCTV is installed around anywhere they will generate money like speed traps or parking zone they are all capable of reading your reg no from 100 miles away! :smiling_imp:


That looked like he delibretly went for the AA guy!!!

He’s been nicked for causing death by reckless driving in the past.
Get the old duffer off the road.

Totally unfit to possess any category of driving licence. Force him through an industrial mincer and donate whats left to a pet food factory. Its the kindest thing to do.

Lucky man…

Day after day you can see trucks weaving across into the hard shoulder because the driver is sleepy or not concerntrating.

Yep. It’s only luck that these incidents don’t happen more often.

Reminds of being stuck in the traffic for this a few years back: … tyre-on-M6 The sight of the sawdust on the hard shoulder afterwards sticks with me.