Watch Out.!!!.

In the past month 3 of our wagons have been hit by stones/bricks on Lumbertubs Way {Weston Favell} is Northampton near Lidls. I was the 2nd & I can tell you at 01:30am is enough to scare the living daylights out of you. Luckly in all 3 cases its been damage only to the wagon BUT in view of what as happened in the past this is something we all should watch out for on this stretch of road. The last case was this morning at around the same time as my incident.
Its always been on the southbound side of Lumbertubs Way I cant give you the exact place it happened only it seems as though they could be in Lidls carpark anyway becareful going by Lidls early morning. A footbridge crosses the road near there but its enclosed I think & its alway passenger side door.

Huh :question: :confused: Are you suggesting that someone’s lobbing half charlies at you while you is trying to log some zeds or are these flying out of the back of tippers etc :question: :confused:

If it’s the former, I can relate.

Few years back when on boxes I couldn’t get into Harwich dock that night to get a box off so I parked up on the stump of road opposite the junction for the supermarket where a number of other units were also parked up for the night. Laid in bed about 10pm and heard some small voices of children. No worries. Then a few minutes later there’s a massive bang and it was one of the kids throwing a rock against the side of the 40fter I had on. This went on a couple more times and after that I’d had enough. Jumped up off the bunk and pulled the nearside curtain back to have a gander and just as I was about to move my head forward to look out of the window a half charlie came straight it, shattering glass everywhere. I was one of the most frightening things I’ve ever had to endure. Apart from the fact that one second earlier that would have been my left temple with horrifying results, you don’t know that it’s just kids and you wonder whether someone’s trying to break in or even hijack you and your load :open_mouth:

The Plod (for once) did a good of catching the [zb]s and even managed to get the family to pay up for damage to nearside of the wagon and window. However it didn’t alter the fact that I had to sleep all night with an ice cold breeze blowing round the cab through having no glass in the 'ole. :angry:

I hate any inconsistent noises when I’m parked up for the night. Traffic is no problem but slight jerks of the cab or a sudden clunk or something that you know is very near your wagon makes me go cold. I’ve regularly been “sure” that someone’s been tampering with the wagon but whenever I’ve looked out of the window there’s nothing to be seen. That’s why I like having the fridge running because it’s a constant and you don’t get distracted by these small noises :slight_smile:

Sorry Rob, no its while we were moving. Its a dual carrageway speed limit is 50mph with camera’s, so you can guess what could happen. I have to use that stretch of road when i go out in the mornings I’m just waiting now for it to happen again.
Plod was informed on all of the incidents but no follow up heard yet. Having had the chance to read past posts I think there are about 3 post about this kind of thing in various parts of the country IF anything serious happens they only get 6yrs.

There was another post like this today by Jonah. In coalville I think.

There should be a curfew for these unruly kids and their parents!

Home from school and straight to bed. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

They only get six years if they kill you. Otherwise, probably just a slpped wrist, so to speak.

Last weekend I was parked up for the night at Tebay. Sometime in the middle of the night, two nuggets come along and swap their fridge trailers. Why can’t these morons find somewhere more isolated to swap trailers ? Its not as if Tebay is packed at the weekend, is it… (the place was three parts empty) ? Can’t they see I’ve got my curtains drawn and the interior lights off ? Is it a self-taught thing or were they both born stupid ? I’d like to blame it on Agency Drivers, but how many Agency Drivers wear a certain RDC issued uniform ?

I used to do a trailer change, every night, at Tebay. We used to do it at the end of the pumps, well away from the main parking area. OK, so there are trucks parked around the perimeter of the pumps but this is overspill. You know that if you have to park on the perimeter then you you’re going have to put up with all the comings-and-goings throughout the night. If you don’t like it then go to Penrith or Carnforth but you’ll probably have the same problem there !!!

Yeah yeah blame the agency driver, ■■■■■■■■ it,s more likely to be a driver who want a quick tlr change and a dart back and early knock. :smiling_imp: :imp: :imp:

Bleedin ■■■■■■■■ they are! and it aint a new thing either, but seems more common. In around '81, I got a iceball thrown through me cab window, (open) while going along. Anyway, I was younger and fitter then, so I chased the 3 youths (about 16 or so old) and caught 2 of them, they got a bollocking about it, and then I ducked them in a deep pile of snow.


good onya mal :laughing: :laughing: yeah the stone throwing happened to me apparently every firm in the area had been had a go at :question:

Last weekend I was parked up for the night at Tebay. Sometime in the middle of the night, two nuggets come along and swap their fridge trailers. Why can’t these morons find somewhere more isolated to swap trailers ?

Whoa whoa whoa STOP RIGHT THERE

Has it ever occurred to you that some of us work NIGHTS :question: and are also parked up at MSA’s for our daily sleep but THROUGH THE DAY :question: :angry:

You think you’re hard done-by at night with noise, people talking etc, try sleeping there through the day and then come back here and complain about the noise through the night and we’ll have a noise comparison eh :question:

In the job I’m in at the moment we regularly do trailer swaps at Doni Park, Leccy Forest and Toddy silly hours of the morning and yes they are also reefers. You try finding somewhere to do the trailer swap at all at night and you’ll be hard pushed, never mind trying to find a place far away from other sleeping drivers.

I try to be as quiet as possible and even go the extent of turning the fridge off until I’m ready to go again but there’s always someone who has to have a moan.

Do you see me getting out of my bed, complaining and shouting and bawling through the day at the noise ? NO.

A bit of thought on the subject before you start blowing your top wouldn’t go amiss eh :confused:

I was going from leicester to peterbourgh on the A47 the other night and as i was clearing leicester and the car in front of me was all over the rd i just thought he was a numpty, but from the cab i could see three kids behind a hedge just then they poped up and pelted the truck hitting the box with one but missed with the other two, but these hit a car that was behind me we stopped but they ran of into this estate, the car in front lost his window the old bill said they would look out for em but ive heard that another truck driver lost his side window.

zbn fridges…pain in the arse …simple as that… should be banned from trailer changing late at night in truck parks… no ifs or buts… we pay for safe parking and good nights kip… not to be woken every now n then by inconsiderate people parking right next to you with noisey fridges running all night…
i turned one guys fridge off at 0230 at alconbury a few weeks ago… it would have came to blows if the driver had had the balls to answer my knocking on his door…

i turned one guys fridge off at 0230 at alconbury a few weeks ago… it would have came to blows if the driver had had the balls to answer my knocking on his door…

Tut Tut Tut!
Temper Temper!
I Hope you calmed down by the morning?

terry some loads have probes in side to ensure quality and the fridge needs to left on to keep a constant tempature if the fridge is turned off the is usually rejected and can cost the haulier upto 5000 pounds and can wipe out any profit from a job well done you could have either put someone out of a job of put an o/d out of business next time think before you do anything like that

…or park somewhere else!

i think it was probably the co-op that brummie was talking about. i know cos i work for em! your quite right tho- some of the muppets do drop the trl right amongst the sleeping drivers. i`ve told more than one to try being a little more thoughtful but it falls on deaf ears! sorry… i ALWAYS drop mine near the pumps :wink: rob you need to work on your anger problem!!



put your handbags down there for dancing around not swinging at each other :wink:

in other words calm down:oops: :unamused: :wink:


:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


put your handbags down there for dancing around not swinging at each other :wink:

Sounds like you’re speaking from experience there Jonboy??:shock: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Terry…Shut up?? … I’ll smack your legs! :imp: :imp: :imp: