
(just a little light relief after some heavy posts)

What happened to all those pesky little things this year, I usually get stung at least a couple of times,

The most memorable ones were …

A couple of years ago one went down the back of my shirt and it got me 3 times before I managed to kill it by banging my back against the seat.

Even more worring was last year one came in the cab, unnoticed by me, landed between my legs and stung me right on the tender inner thigh missing a much more tender part of my annatomy by millimeters. (cue jokes).

Seem to have got away with it this year. I think they were all in Skiathos

On another note, Keep seeing these trailer adds going down the M6,
“ENDOWMENT SHORTFALL” , so not being that well endowed I gave them a ring and somebody tried to sell me a mortgage !!!,

(just a little light relief after some heavy posts)

stung me right on the tender inner thigh missing a much more tender part of my annatomy by millimeters. (cue jokes).

Even a wasp needs SOMETHING to aim at! :smiley:

OOOPPS sorry misread thought it was about me :laughing: :blush:

On another note, Keep seeing these trailer adds going down the M6,
“ENDOWMENT SHORTFALL” , so not being that well endowed I gave them a ring and somebody tried to sell me a mortgage !!!,

:open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: now thats funny

I got stung in the face last summer coming over thelwall [zb]ing thing flew in the window and stuck in my right cheek just under my eye, To say it hurt like a mutha trucker was an understatment :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:


middle lane of the m60 going ynder the rail line .

little [zb] hit the door pillar and went down the back of ny seat ,like a div i lent on it.

i want air con :smiling_imp:


Another thing, how come they can find their way into the cab through the smallest gap but you can open both windows and the sunroof yet they can’t find their way back out?

Maybe they are not real wasp and are using SatNav instead of maps. :wink: :smiley:

I dread them, if ever you see a truck where the driver looks like hes doing somersaults behind the wheel while using a type of naval semaphore to send a extremely complicated message, and all the windows and the sunroof are opening and closing, it could be me I cannot settle till they are out of the cab, its either me or them gets out.

Ive stopped on motorway hard shoulders to remove them, because I just cant concentrate if I know theres one in the cab, because you know its gonna get you sooner or later…