The dirty stale water can stay there for years.The bacteria builds up and even more in the hot weather.
Risk of Legionaires disease if you breathe in the mist droplets while spraying.
Drivers that did Russia have been very hill from having showers there.
Water cooling or storage tanks on top of hotels and cruise ships is a risk too.
Cheers. I’ll bear that in mind.
We need to get the Daily Mail to do a story.
We need to get the Daily Mail to do a story.THE SILENT KILLER IN EVERY JUGGERNAUGHT
If I remember rightly this was a story a few years ago and yes Toby is right. Didn’t a van driver or something come down with it and they linked it to his washer bottle!? Less of a risk in trucks though I imagine as the washer bottle will be emptied regularly
I’d be more worried about getting in me hot tub than me washer bottle causing it.
I remember having a rental daf and it smelt like somebody had been sick inside the cab. After 2 days I twigged the smell was worse after using the washer jets. I took the pipes off and kept squirting the water out until a sludge came out the water bottle.
This story doesn’t surprise me.
Killer juggernaut drivers cause 35 mile jam as driver uses his jets.Hato cone off the road and Enviromental Agency deconimate the scene.Fury as commuters are held up and Mp gets the blame says the paper report.
I caught a disease called sarcoidosis after doing a few years of Poland/Eastern Europe. Using their showers and the ferry showers etc… This is apparently the reason!
don’t use your phone at the pumps either.
:lol: don’t use your phone at the pumps either.
Another classic!
When I drove a MAN 332, it had a real handy sink on the back of the cab. If you pulled the breather tube off the side of the tank, it gave you a supply of warm running water, many times have I used that to swill my hands and face in a muggy climate. I never made tea with it though.
You can get legionnaires disease from a household A/C unit or a cooling tower, but stop worrying, something will kill you in the end.
Wheel Nut:
You can get legionnaires disease from a household A/C unit or a cooling tower, but stop worrying, something will kill you in the end.
You won’t get legionnaires disease from a household/vehicle a/c unit they are sealed systems.
legionnaires disease comes from a cooling tower not the a/c unit they are only to be found in very large commercial buildings.
You got more chance of legionnaires disease from a hot tub or a gravity shower at home.
Wheel Nut:
You can get legionnaires disease from a household A/C unit or a cooling tower, but stop worrying, something will kill you in the end.You won’t get legionnaires disease from a household/vehicle a/c unit they are sealed systems.
legionnaires disease comes from a cooling tower not the a/c unit they are only to be found in very large commercial buildings.
You got more chance of legionnaires disease from a hot tub or a gravity shower at home.
Sorry I was thinking of those cooling dehumidifiers with the separate water tank, it was rife in Africa when people used them in the compounds
Make sure to peal off the paper label on bottle of water so when you have a wee in it at night you do not get a gobful of your own truckers Tizer with the wrong bottle.
It does happen more than you think.Do it once but never again.
DHL wont spec fridges in their motors cos ‘you can get Leigonaires Disease from them’. (fridges, not DHL)
DHL wont spec fridges in their motors cos ‘you can get Leigonaires Disease from them’. (fridges, not DHL)
Said manager must keep his milk underground at home to keep it cool then?
you just couldn’t make it up.
DHL wont spec fridges in their motors cos ‘you can get Leigonaires Disease from them’. (fridges, not DHL)Said manager must keep his milk underground at home to keep it cool then?
you just couldn’t make it up.
HAHA! I will ask him next time fridges come up in conversation!
What he means is that some truck cabs have a cool box but the maker sell it as a fridge and food can go off and make you ill.
The MAN trucks have a silly box that most drivers throw out to make room in the cab.
Maybe Dhl would get sued if their truck gave them a disease.
DHL wont spec fridges in their motors cos ‘you can get Leigonaires Disease from them’. (fridges, not DHL)
Where the hell does he get that from ?
A fridge should be 1c to 4c
legionella won’t grow in temp under 20c or above 50c.