Warning to Female drivers... ! Avoid this greasy spoon

On the A40 between Oxford and cheltenham just off the Burford roundabout…

Got there Last night and there was another guy eating… We started talking whilst the Turkish ‘cook’ called Tony (I was told by the other customer) looked on with that horrible ‘I wanna do you’ stare that they seem unashamed to parade…

Anyway… the other customer went and I tried to make conversation even tho HE only just spoke ‘UK’… He then just handed me a Kitkat… It was late, I thought maybe he’s just really nice (how wrong was I) and he insisted that I take it, so I obliged… I then got my burger, paid and went to leave when ‘Tony’ lights a ■■■ and steps out from the van and stands next to me… Still with that look…!!
All I wanted to do was escape to the cab, so I made my excuses and turned to walk to the cab 15 feet away… As I glanced back (cuz I was already feeling uneasy) he was stubbing out his FRESH ■■■… !!! I picked up speed, fumbled madly with the keys and just managed to lock the door as he was about 4 feet away… He knocked on the door and kept saying summut, so I wound the window down a bit, where upon he handed me a can of pop… !! I tried to refuse it, but being stupidly polite I finally accepted…

I must add that at this point, whilst I was glad to be in the locked cab, I wasn’t feeling the situation was that bad, just a 'politle say goodbye and GO… "

But as I took the can he grabbed my hand and started stroking it… :angry: I instantly pulled away, but then he put his hands over the glass and started saying ‘you’re really nice’ over and over again, then
'I love you, can I have a kiss… ’ :open_mouth:

Instant ‘I could do with getting out of here’ to 'Sheet… I could be in trouble here…!!! "

I was still being polite… :unamused: as I peeled his fingers off the window AGAIN, and he started crying, insisting that we must have a kiss… !!!

I soon droped the clutch and had him hanging off the mirror as I rolled off the layby…

I drove for as long as I could till I was on 4:30 and 59 seconds before I dared stop for my 45, just in case he had followed me… . :confused:

Before you ask, I didn’t report him cuz it didn’t really sink in how close I had come to god only knows what untill after i’d returned to base and recalled it for a couple of peeps… !!!

So… Keep your wits about you girls… or preferably some pepper spray… !!!


HI CHRISSI wb :smiley:
(zb) like him make me boil glad your ok
and nice to hear /read :laughing: from you ,shame its under theese circumstances

small language edit :wink: mrs mix

Hi Chrisie,

Good to see you posting again!!

Glad you got away from the ‘freak’!!

Let me tell you a little bit about how these guys work…

In their own country women are treated as 2nd class citizens. Wives are expected to walk a few paces behind husbands…When single guys come to the UK, the number 1 priority is to father a child so that they can apply for benefits and send home the money to their families…Then after a certain amount of time they begin the process of applying to become citizens here, and because they have a kiddie they are given priority…You may have noticed a significant rise in teenage mums over the past few years, well, this is a major factor and there is nothing we can do about it sadly…Need I say more!!!

Glad you are safe and sound.

Let me tell you a little bit about how these guys work…

In their own country women are treated as 2nd class citizens. Wives are expected to walk a few paces behind husbands…When single guys come to the UK, the number 1 priority is to father a child so that they can apply for benefits and send home the money to their families…Then after a certain amount of time they begin the process of applying to become citizens here, and because they have a kiddie they are given priority…You may have noticed a significant rise in teenage mums over the past few years, well, this is a major factor and there is nothing we can do about it sadly…Need I say more!!!

Glad you are safe and sound.

To be honest mate, this is the daftest and most shamefull thing I have ever read on truckNet.

Glad to hear your allright Chrisie, and good to see you posting again.


Nice to see you posting again Chrissy :wink:

But in all honesty I think a call to the local Boys in Blue just to advise of the incident is the least you should do, at least it makes them aware of this pratt and in the event god forbid something did happen around that area, it gives them a possible starting point.

Welcome back

As davey said, You should report it to the police, If only to try to protect anyone in the future who may get treated the same way and not be lucky enough to get away in time.

This makes me worried as my sister has just started driving HGV’s for a living and I could not possibly think of anything like that happening (Even if they did, God help them! even im scared of her).

And guys… Watch out as well, Ive had an incident about 6 months ago where I was being followed about a MSA and hassled by a “GUY” wanting my number and would not quit even after me telling him I would tie his **** to the rear of my bus and drag him down the M74 behind me. That did freek me out a little as its not something you expect to see from another guy.

Its a scary world we live in today, Keep your eyes open and grow eyes in the back of your head before leaving the house this morning!

Good to see you back posting again, But you realy should report him. The next lady trucker might not be able to lock the door as quick. Hopefully the police will pay him a visit and show him the error of his ways.

One thing that might help (well, I’m thinking of right now) is one of those big maglite torches :wink: if you know what I mean. Sticky time I think. Anyone agree?

Nice to see you posting again Chrisie and that you are all right :smiley:
and as said above report him.

Hey Chrissie…welcome back…and glad to see your working once again…shame about the little mishap in the layby…was there no other truckers in the layby…to tell him to leave you alone…maybe at first he was being friendly …but he went over the top didnt he…anyway …i dont know where the tea stall was but i pulled into one on the A40 last year…and asked for a bacon sandwich…and this foreigner (muslim) said he doesnt serve bacon cos hes a muslim…so i said i suppose sausages are out of the question as well…so i told him to stick it…and seeing as he`d already poured the tea it was his loss…next time just tell him your on the phone to the police for harassment…that should stop him in his tracks…

chrisse .sorry to hear about your awful incident.i can tell you about two incidents involving two "girl-friends "that i know when they were in turkey on holidy with their boyfriends at different times i might add.the girls are cousins.the first happened when m was in a bar with her boyfriend.the owner kept giving them free drinks.they refused and wanted to pay but he insisted.so after a while they got up to leave.the owner then asked m if she would sleep with his son who had been working behind the bar.her boy freind was a big [zb] and he went off it.so the bar owner apologised like it was the normal thing to ask. the 2 incident happened to her cousin T.same senario different bar. different time ,only this time her boyfriend told this young turk to (zb) off.so the turk pulls a knife and slashes him across the stomach.the fight gets broken up,the police come and T and her boyfriend get locked up,then get deported back to the uk. turkey is not a good place for female travellers.does anyone remember a programme on itv a few years ago called "holiday brides"it was all about women in the uk falling for turks,nigerians.west indian ,spanish guys while on holiday.getting married and then some of these guys did a runner when they got their citizenship.my heart went out to these poor women,some had lost a lot of money to these “guys”.anyway regards,twinstick

just a small edit :wink: mrs mix

What a horrible story…and sounds about right for the turks to blame the foreigner…as i said on earlier threads…the rule in turkey is …if you wasnt there ..it wouldnt have happened…and they want to be allowed into the e.u. with their human rights record…theyve got no chance…the only reason the eurocrats want them in is because they have the largest land army in the world never mind that their up each others backsides…cousins uncles etc in the western world we call them perverts…and they have no regard for their women…they are just about balancing on the threshold of decency.it will take years to put them on the same footing as us in the western world and way of life…

Hi Chrissie. Glad you were able to get away intact. I have used this stop in the past, if it is the one just onto the Lechlade turn, huge lay by next to the golf course. If it is I’ll not be using it any more there is an alternative about 4 miles away just before Lechlade itself.

im glad your ok try some of that spray for the eyes isnt it called pepper spray :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:

p.s did you eat the kit kat

… one of those big maglite torches :wink: if you know what I mean.

Mmmm, ok Lib, i’ll admit to that one. :wink:

Make sure it’s at least a 3 or 4 cell version as it’s more effective. How can an innocent torch be called an offensive weapon??

:bulb: I assume you weren’t on about shining it in his eyes :question:

the big bar i have for checking my nuts :exclamation: :unamused: is quite useful

Let me tell you a little bit about how these guys work…

In their own country women are treated as 2nd class citizens. Wives are expected to walk a few paces behind husbands…When single guys come to the UK, the number 1 priority is to father a child so that they can apply for benefits and send home the money to their families…Then after a certain amount of time they begin the process of applying to become citizens here, and because they have a kiddie they are given priority…You may have noticed a significant rise in teenage mums over the past few years, well, this is a major factor and there is nothing we can do about it sadly…Need I say more!!!

Glad you are safe and sound.

Turkey is a land of contrasts, in the big cities attitudes are more like the west, but it will be different in the more rural areas. However recently a peaceful womens rights protest was broken up with a baton charge. I saw the news clips of women just standing and then getting clouted by a baton and a good kicking for good measure.

As for a rise in teenage pregancies, I think it has more to do with media and marketing ■■■ at teenagers, peer pressure and a lack of good education. I know of a few girls round here who have got pregnant, (nothing do to with me :blush: ) all have british boyfriends and all seem to have been a bit nieve
(sp) about contrception and the difficulties of bringing up children. They think it’s all cuddly and dressing them up in nice clothes. Sorry going of the subject of the post.

Glad you’re okay, Ragtop. The idea of having something nearby as a handy weapon is useful, Provided it’s something that you would normally have it would be legal provided you said it was the first thing that came to hand. So a wheel brace, torch, or cab jacking handle wouldn’t be out of place.
Maybe self defence shouls be covered in HGV training. Remember disable the attacker and run, srcaping shoes down shins is effective as is any attack to never regions, (makes me wince thinking about it :cry: )

Sorry to hear of your dreadful experience Chrisie, I too think the local plod should at least be notified, even if you have no desire to go anywhere near the mongrel again! There may have been other incidents that they already know about?

On a secondary note…Welcome back!!